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Mattia's POV
I decided to tell kai how I feel and how I am in love with him but I don't know when or how but after what happened I can't right now so after we laid down I told him... I was sorry for what happened and it was all my fault and I should've never left him and he said it want my fault and that he just wanted some rest so I went to sleep and today was Monday and I just left kai home today I went to school and left him a note and went I got there and realized I left my phone but I didn't have time to get it because I had a test I'm first mod so I just went and my school day was uneventful until Jenna aka my crazy ex came up to me in third mod which we have together and said she wanted to try us again and I said no but she showed me a video of me and Kai kissing and I just sat in my chair in school and she said if I didn't she would post it and show it to his dad who was some how mod homophobic then my dad blamed kai for his brothers death because he supported his brother being gay and kairi always stood up to his dad and told him it was ok that he was but one day his dad was so drunk when he came home and his sister and mom were out so it was just the three of them and his dad started yelling at kairi and calling him a fag and Kai just told me he only told Dante aka his brother that he was gay and they were each other's support so when his dad started beating kairi cause his dad found out he passed out and his dad beat Dante to his death, Dante was 16 at the time and kairi was 14 and his dad threw him off the 2nd story balcony and since then kai hasn't been the same Dante and him were best friends and since his dad doesn't know kairi is gay he is safe but if he found out he might get killed I wouldn't let it happen it if I am not there I- and my thoughts got interrupted by Jenna snapping her fingers in my face,
Jenna: soooo where are you gonna take me on our date tonight babe
Mattia: I umm- I
Kairi's POV
I wake up but I don't feel Mattia holding me so I grab my phone and look at the time IT WAS 11:30!! I was late to school I was about to get ready when I see a note on my night stand,
         Hey bubs I decided to let you stay home today I will get your work just relax and have a chill day you need it love you kai
I my heart fluttered at the fact that he said he loved me then I heard my phone ring and I look and realized it want mine and I got scared and I look at my night stand and realize tia just left his so I pick it up and it says Jenna and my heart broke a little the I decline and and see she has been spamming him saying I can't wait for our date and babe and why aren't you answering and I hope your not still mad I didn't make you cum and the last one hurt so bad it felt like I was betrayed and I didn't know what to do so I just went in my bathroom and grabbed a blade I broke off a raise and I cut once for thinking he liked me and twice for liking him and I stared crying hard, blood poured form my arms and I just cried I grabbed an bottle of acid I stole from my dad and swallowed two then three and I realized I needed help so I called the one person the only person who understood he only one who still cared I called......

       Hector aka my rehab best friend

See we don't talk that much anymore but were best friends he also has anxiety but not as severe as me and I called and he said what's up kairi and I said it's happening and he said I'll be over in ten just hang on ok and hung up see we aren't  that close anymore but he was my best fiend and is the only one that knows how to help in this situation which was that I was dying jkjk I just overdosed but it was  also a collision of meds I have to take for anxiety and others for my depression it was too much and because of the blood loss and the acid I was sick  because I have been taking too much drugs for too long I have had ones forced in me by my dad who used to try and kill me he said I was the mistake and he was trying to kill me not Dante and that I killed him for being born and I turned him gay but I don't believe him I think, but hector takes drugs and has for a while and after Dante died I was sent to rehab and no one really knows cause I went in the summer after school was over but me and hector became really close and I told him what to do when I tell him that's and so he is my safe spot my hero I could and should have died multiple times but always came just in time and he did this time too he took out my infected blood with a needle and replaced it with his, this was a small blood transfusion after he laid me in bed and was about to leave since he got me water and some food but I asked him to stay and cuddle me and he said sure he knew I was gay he wasn't but he knows I don't like him so I fell asleep in his arms but I could tell he wasn't going to sleep but I felt safe now and I drifted off.
A/n sorry for not updating yesterday but anyways I fix stuff later Gn love y'all

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