Skipping school

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       Mattia's POV
-I woke up and checked my phone it was 9:27 so I got up and got ready really quick to go get kai and I breakfast I decided I wanted ihop so I went to ihop then went back home I got there and I checked on kai and he was still sleeping so I just let him be I went downstairs to the living room and turned on the tv and started eating after 30 minutes I heard footsteps coming down and it was kai he walked over to me and sat next to me I turned my head and kissed his forehead-
M: morning
K: good morning
-he had a very sleepy voice and his eyes were still red I wrapped my arm around him-
M: I got ihop it's in the kitchen
K: really
M: yea
-after I said that he hoped up quickly and ran into the kitchen and came back out eating his pancakes and sat next to me-
M: so what do you wanna do today
K: um stay home and sleep
M: ugh boringgg
K: hey I just like to sleep
M: oh I know but we should start planning what to do for the summer because we only have 2 weeks left of school
K: oh you know what I thought
M: uh I'm not telepathic so I don't know
K: very funny but I thought us and the boys should rent a house over the summer so we can have party's all the time and we can experience real life or whatever that's what we can tell our parents
M: Kai that's a really good idea
K: I know that's why I'm the smartest in the group
M: I guess but I'll text the boys about this
-I texted the boys about our idea then me and kai just cuddled and watched tv for a few hours-
K: I'm bored let's do something
M: oh so now you wanna do something
K: yessss can we go to chucky cheese
M: ew no
K: pleaseeeeeee Mattia I'm so bored
M: no I hate those animatronic and the chucky cheese suit
K: pleaseeeeee I begging you I wanna go
M: omg fine
K: yayyy
M: go get ready
K: ok
-He ran upstairs and came back down with my blue sweatshirt and jeans on then I changed into black jeans and a long sleeve shirt and went downstairs grabbed my phone and walked out to my car and waited for kai, he came out really happy and skipping down the stairs I couldn't help but laugh he finally got to the car and got in the passenger seat-
M: ready
K: yep
-we drove there and we walked to the door and I opened it for kai we walked in and sat down and some random lady took our order and about 10 minutes later our food got here and we ate the pizza tasted like garbage but kai kept eating it-
M: how are you eating that shit
K: it's good
M: ew
K: ok I'm done let's go play games
M: fine
-we got up and went to walk over to the games and he was playing one when the person in the chucky cheese suit came up behind me and I screamed-
K: ahahahah
M: stop that shit is scary
K: omg your a baby
M: shut up
K: ok I'm ready to go now
M: good
-I paid and we walked out of the place and we got in the car and drove home once we got there I wanted to get in the pool so I changed into my bathing suit and went downstairs to go out side but kai stoped me-
K: what are you doing
M: going swimming you should join me oh and bring the speaker
K: ok
       Kairi's POV
-I got up after Mattia went outside and I put my purple bathing suit from my birthday I knew he liked it so after I slipped it on I grabbed my phone and the speaker I looked in the mirror and I saw my self I just sighed at the sight and went downstairs and hung my head low and walked outside and sat in a chair on the pool deck and Mattia just was swimming then he came up to the edge of the deck leaning from inside the pool-
M: what's wrong baby
K: nothing
M: ok you sure
K: yea
M: oh and I invited the boys over since school is over
K: ok I'm gonna go use the bathroom
M: uh ok
-I walked inside and went to the bathroom near the front door and just slid down against the wall and put my head in my knees and started tearing up I hated my body I always covered it up that's why I wore Mattia's sweatshirts because they were baggy and you couldn't see my body I was crying when I heard the front door open and it close then the back door slide open and close, I wiped my eyes and I had a headache so I walked out of the bathroom and took Tylenol and sat down on my couch then I saw Roshaun walk in-
Ro: hey kai you ok your eyes are red
K: uh yea sure
Ro: Kai I know it's almost that time so it's ok if your not all so happy ok you don't always have to be happy it's ok to cry
K: damn you give the best advice I love you bro
Ro: I love you too bro now I gotta go shit
K: Ro your nasty
Ro: hahha
-after he walked away I went out side and sat back down they were blasting ski mask and singing along I just chuckled at them and I noticed Mattia getting out of the pool I looked up and water was dripping down his toned abs and his caramel skin was glistening in the hot summer sun and he flipped his hair and he looked hot but I just looked back down and he walked over to a chair and pulled it near me-
M: hey kai what's wrong
K: nothing
-I grabbed a sweatshirt I bought out earlier and put it on because I didn't want him seeing my body it was disgusting so I just turned away from him-
M: baby why'd you put that on
K: um I'm just cold
M: really it's so hot
K: yea
M: are you gonna get in the pool
K: um I don't know
-I pulled the sweatshirt over my legs and curled in a ball I was so hot and I wanted to get in the pool but then they would all see my body so I was just gonna sit in the chair-
M: Kai what's really wrong
K: nothing
M: come on take the sweatshirt off and get in
K: no
-he got up and started taking off my sweatshirt I was trying to pull it down but he got it off me and he picked me up-
K: Mattia put me down I'm too fat
M: what?
-he sat me back down and looked at me I just looked down and covered my body with my arms and he moved them and was looking at my body so I covered it again but he pinned my arms to the top of the chair and kissed me-
M: Kai your not fat at all why would you even think about that your perfect dont doubt yourself I love you
K: but I'm so ugly I don't have abs I'm not even tan I'm just a ugly midget but your so like hot and handsome but and your dating me and I don't know why
M: I'm dating you because your so funny and nice and cute now get in the damn pool
-I got up and hugged him then he picked me up and threw me in the pool I laughed and we all hung out for the rest of the day and swam then I asked them if they all really wanted to to rent a house and they said yea so they said they would all ask and then they left and I got ice cream and watched tv, Mattia and Maiya joined me and we all fell asleep-

I'm back bitchessss🤡

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