The prank

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  Kairis POV
-after that fun night I woke up and brushed my teeth and went down stairs I was the first awake as usual I put bread into the toaster and went to sit down on the couch and I turned on the tv and just let the weather play in the background as I scrolled through Instagram looking at and liking other peoples posts I head my toast pop and i went to get it after I got it and went to sit back down Alvaro came skipping down the stairs whistling and right at the last steps he missed one and fell I started dying laughing I was cackling and throwing my head back as I sat my toast down and walked over to make sure he was okay I stared at him for a second trying to catch my breath and he just laid face down on the floor i crouched down and nudged him-
K: Alvaro you okay? Hahaha
Al: mmmm
K: want me to get Alejandro?
Al: guhhhhhh
-Alvaro looked at me abs rolled his eyes and just stayed there as Alejandro, Mattie, and Ro got up abs rushed down stairs they were bombarding me with questions and I looked up with a sad face-
K: guys he snapped his neck...he's not going to make it I'm sorry
A: WHAT- Alvaro huh wha-
K: shhh sh sh little baby it's gonna be okay come here
-I pulled Alvaro in for a hug and patted his back joking back my giggle meanwhile Mathis and Roshaun stood looked dumbfounded at each other very confused with what was going on since they had just woken up a few moments later me Maria and Ro sat Alejandro on the couch while he was crying since they had all just woken up they never actually checked to see if Alvaro was dead but Alvaro got the hint to prank them so he just laid there after we had been consoling Alejandro for a while he asked to go look at Alvaro but I told him to sit and I would bring him over so I walked over bent down and wrapped my arms under his and picked him up but as I bent down I whispered to him to play along and he lords his eyebrows in response i then dragged him over to then-
K: see he's dead
A: I don't know I didn't get to say goodbye
K: he's dead... dead as a dog that was ran over
-they all liked at me weird and I made an ugly sad face back-
A: but how could he be dead he didn't say bye either and-
K: if it makes you feel any better his last words wer ehhh ugh muf
M: kairi-
K: what? That's what it was
Ro: kai...just shut up
-Alejandro gave me a dirty look and looked back down-
A: I just can't believe this
K: well believe it he's dead he's dead okay
-i then cocked my hand back and slapped Alvaro very hard and the three boys gazed and did nothing in utter shock but Alvaro stood up and hit me back and I slapped him again and we ended up fighting until Maria and Roshaun pulled us apart and Alejandro was still just standing there-
K: Alejandro you not gonna say anything after your boyfriend just came from the dead hahahah
A: ....what the fuck was that why'd- what possessed you to- That was mean!
Al: Heheheeh omg that was pretty funny until Laurie bitch ass slapped me like a 20 year old girl
K: that's not what the read hand print on your face is saying
Al: shut up bitch
K: make me hoe
Al: ugh you disgust me
K: omg Alvaro I just remembered those one doc martens we wanted went on sale
Al: Oh My God no way wanna go to the mall and get some when they open
K: yeaaa als-
A: shut up can you please explain what happened
K: he's still in this ugh well basically Alvaro was skipping down the stairs earlier and fell he's fine I think?
Al: yea I'm fine thanks for never asking
K: I did too ask-
M; just finish talking
K: well after he fell and I laughed and went to ask if he was okay I asked if he wanted you Alejandro so he said yes I think so and then I called you all down here and decided to parang you and he went along with it sooooo yeah
Ro: okay that's kinda funny but not really
A: yea it's not funny at all actually that really cared me not cmon Alvaro let's go back to bed
Ro: yea ik going back to sleep too it's too early for this shit next time let's do this in the afternoon mkay?
-the 3 walked back upstairs as I grabbed my now room temperature today and sat on the couch with Mattia we watched an episode of Castle and then Kattia came running down and into my lap and I just pet her and snuggled into mattia-
K: it's almost like we are a little family
M: it is hahah
K: our family would be great only if we could have kids they would be so cute
M: well of course they would have your genes
K: awwww stop they would need you Italian facial structure
M: trueeeee
K: ohhh wanna go take kattia on a morning walk
M: ugh sure go get changed
K: okay
-I popped up and ran to our room kattia following me I changed into Jean shorts and some random green band tee and my green high top converse then sprayed so perfume on me and went downstairs to mattia sitting in his phone-
K: go get readyyyyy
M: okay okay
-he got up reluctantly and walked up stairs I grabbed my phone slid it into my back pocket and went to find kattia so leash I found it and put it on to her I sat down for a few more and mattia came down in black shorts and a Radiohead tee and black converse-
M: okay ready
K: yup
- mattia grabbed his phone and texted the house hole group chat and said we were taking kattia on a walks and we left we started waking to a nearby park that was empty and we ran around it with kattia for a while then we left before we were too tired and headed to a close meadow I knew about when we got there it looked so beautiful it was huge and filled with lavender and some dandelions I took my phone out and let go of kattia leash and we sniffed around I knew she wouldn't go anywhere far and I took a picture of my gorgeous surrounding I was so happy I was smiling and just enjoying this moment I turned round and looked at mattia who had big grin across his face and I giggle and walked over to him-
K: whattttt
M: nothing you just adorable
K: what I do not
M: you do to
-I laughed and turned back about and smelled som lavender then went and chased kattia who was wagging her tail so hard I thought she would take off i then pulled out my phone and shuffled a playlist and the song Homage by Mile high club came on and it felt perfect for this moment with mattia playing with Katie and us having a blast I walked over to him as he stood up and turned towards me he had a flower-
K: what's that for
M: for you
-he tucked some of my hair behind my ear and sat the flower on top of it and smiled that beautiful smile that feels like home I blushed out of embarrassment and excitement and he lifted my chin up and passionately kissed me and I reciprocated after we pulled away he smirked and I blushed harder and turned away and covered my face-
M: what are you doing ahah
K: nothinggggg - I said muffled by my hands-
M: don't cover your face your too gorgeous for that
-he pulled my hands away from my face and stared at me deeply and smiled I smiled back and he kissed my cheek i which I could have captured this moment it was utterly perfect, it was starting to get hot so we grabbed kattia and headed home one we got back we filled her water bowl and I grabbed water for us and sat in the couch it was rather hot for an October day but then again global warming we sat and drank our water as the other guys woke up and started making breakfast Alvaro made pancakes and I got some and shared with mattia then they all sat at the table or on the couch and me and Alvaro talked about going to get the doc martens so after he finished eating he went and changed into shorts and a tank top and flannel and a pair of vans and we left to go to the mall-

Hey so it's the author and I just wanted to say hiiii I hope your all well and thank you for reading my work I just wanted to let you all know why I kinda stopped for a year bc I feel like you deserve to know so I kinda stopped bc my writing was getting real bad like I'm no gray writer but it was just dragging in and was frankly boring and I apologize but also I had writers block and kinda just wanted to end this is the next chapter or two but I couldn't decide and then I forgot about it but later some things started popping up about some of these guys that I didn't like and tbh I never thought I would be writing again about them but I have grown and realized that the people in this story aren't the poles in real life and never have been they are characters that I created and made up that just have the name of those real people and I wanna tell you all that. But also I find wanna promise to you that I'm going to finish this or make so many new chapters I'm gonna push a few more chapters out hopefully in the next few days or week but after that I don't know I feel like I've started to regain my passion to write so I decided to write this chapter but I'm also bored haha anyways I may write another story about lesbians sooo ig tell me if I should (btw I'm am a black queer person just an fyi) but I hope you enjoyed and love you all 😽

(I also didn't spell check in too last and my hands hurt lol)

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