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-Mattia didn't know where to go since kairi kicked him out so he went the only place he could he went... home or his real house and he knocked on the door it was a little bit of a walk but he still walked because he forgot his keys in his book as that he dropped in kais room and once he got to his house he knocked and a few seconds later his dad answered-
M: hey dad
M/D: hey son what are you doing home?
M: umm I just wanted him to visit
M/D: oh well ok then come in we are fixing dinner we are making spaghetti so I call you when it's ready
-Mattia bright home some clothes a while ago so he had stuff in his room so he just went and plopped on his bed and groaned into his pillow because he was mad at himself for getting kicked out again he took a quick shower then got changed because he built up a sweat from walking, right as he finished getting dressed his dad called him for dinner he sat down and his little brother cane running downstairs (imma just say ihis brothers name is Luca)-
L: MATTIA your back
He hugged Mattia tightly and Mattia hugged back
M: yea Luca I'm back let's eat ok?
L: yea
M: uh hey dad where is ma
His dad looked down and he had tears in his eyes and he looked up
M/D: oh uh you didn't hear?
M: um no what happened
Luca and mattia's dad just looked down
M/D: s-she died
Mattia gasped and stared crying then his brother and dad just started laughing
M: why are you guys laughing
M/D: haha your mom just haha went on a trip for work Ahahah
L: haha you should of seen the look on your face Ahahah
M: I hate you guys
-Mattia wipes his tears and his dad sat down and they all had a good dinner the Mattia went down to his room and saw he had a text it was from an unknown number saying to meet him at this nearby park in ten minutes he hesitated to respond but he said ok and asked who it was but the just read the text-
Mattia's POV
I told my dad I was going for a walk and I went to the park I didn't see anyone so I sat on this slide it was dark because it was 10:00 so I couldn't see anyone but I heard walking and I saw this dark figure and once it got closer i realized it was that boy from earlier I wondered how he got my number he just walked towards me and he said sit and we sat on the swings.
H: so Mattia why did kairi have a collision
M: a what?
H: oh you don't know damn I thought y'all were best friends maybe more the way he talked about you
M: what does he say and what the hell is a collision andddd who the fuck are you
H: one I am hector, kai hasn't told you about me and two a collision is when your meds and drugs collide in your digestive system like if I took meds in the morning for allergies then coke a few houses later befor my meds were fully dissolved the would collied then you need to take the infected blood out and the more this happened the sicker you get
M: oh wait kai is sick and he used drugs he said he was sober for the last three weeks
H: yea that's what he told me and he is sick but I gave him a blood transfusion
M: are y'all the same blood type
H: umm no-
H: calm down big boy I am O- the universal donor ok and I have done it over a dozen times for him ok
M: what how could he not tell me and how do you too know each other?
H: oh it better if he tells you but I really care for him he is like a little brother to me you hirt him and me and mar will kill you-
M: waittt a damn minute you know mar
H: uhh obviously Dino bitch I just said his name
M: call me Dino bitch again I dare you
H: Dino....Bitch
I pined him against this nearby fence and grabbed his neck like he grabbed mine but I started chocking him and he moaned and it lowkey turned me on but I let go of him and took a step back.
M: brooo ew I thought you weren't gay
H: Dino bitch I ain't I had to get you to let go somehow right?
M: whatever but stop calling me Dino bitch
H: ok Dino bitch hahah
I rolled my eyes and sat back down and he sat next to me.
H: you just need to talk to him but give him a day or two the talk to him just wants space
M: how to you know why he is mad at me
H: ohhh about that I hacked his phone and saw what you texted him and that's how I got your number
M: omfg I'm calling the police
H: hah I already went to jail and your not going to I am giving you advice but I gotta go
And with that he walked away leaving me there with my thoughts

A/N I'll edit later but he Ana Deere is hector and he is 17 also hope you like this new way imma write

A/N I'll edit later but he Ana Deere is hector and he is 17 also hope you like this new way imma write

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