Road trip

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        Alejandro's POV
-today is the day we leave for our road trip and kairi and Alvaro haven't stopped going at each other's throats once but they better stop because they aren't ruining this but I got out of bed and it's 5:00 we are leaving at 6:30 so I go and take a shower then change into a hoddie and Nike shorts then slip my slides on and go downstairs and fix some cereal after I was on my phone for a few minutes then I went back upstairs to wake Alvaro up I get up there and pull the covers off him and start tickling him I thought he was still sleeping until I heard me giggle it was the most angelic thing I smiled and kept tickling him until he was begging me to stop so I did and he took a shower and I took all of our bags to the rv we have this huge rv to fit all of us I stuffed the bags in the area they go and got in I sat next to Robert who was sleeping on the couch and I got on my phone scrolling through tik tok then everyone got in and I waited for Alvaro who I saw finally walk in and come sit on my lap I laughed then rubbed his back and i eventually heard cute snores and I smiled and laid him next to Robby who was sleeping still and I walked to the driver's area and noticed no one was in the passengers seat so I sat down and knew I needed to talk to Mattia about getting kairi and Alvaro to stop fighting-
A: hey Mattia
M: hey
A: alright you know how kairi and Alvaro keep fighting
M: yea
A: well I know no one wants then doing that this whole trip so we should find a way for them to make up
M: yes we do so any ideas
A: well we may have used this before but locking them in a room
M: I think that could work we should leave them in there while we go to the beach the first day
A: yesssss
-me and Mattia talked for like and hour then we pulled up to a McDonald's and we walked out and got food for us and ate it while talking and laughing it was great we hadn't had some quality best friend in a long time after we ate most of our food we got food for everyone else and walked to the rv and got in then woke who we could up and gave them food and I started driving to give Mattia a break there was this door thing to shut the driver's area off from the rest of the rv and we shut that because everyone was bickering about someone taking their food so I just kept following where the gps told me to go and it said we would be there in about two and a half hours-
           Kairi's POV
-I was in the rv sleeping when I felt a weight on me and I automatically started pushing it off I opened my eyes and saw lehani smiling-
K: yes?
Leh: foods here
K: yay
Leh: are you obsessed over food
K: yup let's go
-we both got up and walked to the front of the rv where the kitchen and dining area was along with two couches I walked over to the table and picked up chicken nuggets and fries then grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and sat down on the couch next to Samy and lehani and started eating after that I grabbed a apple and Alvaro looked me up and down in disgust-
A: fatty
-I just pretend to ignore it by walking to the bathroom but once I got there I was looking at myself in the mirror, was I really fat omg I am, I feel like crying I held back my tears and put the apple down when I walked back out and sat down next to Samy who was on tik tok so I was just watching them with him for a while but then his phone was about to die so I grabbed mine and we watched for an hour then the rv stopped and the engine stopped as well we looked o we to the driving area and the door opened and out came Ale and Mattia-
M: we're here
K: thanks for driving guys
S: yea thanks
-I got up to hug Mattia and Alvaro got up too then he tripped me and I fell on my face and I tasted that metallic blood in my mouth I got up and ran to the bathroom on the way there I heard Ro say why'd you do that and Alvaro laugh once I got there I saw my nose was bleeding and my lip I cleaned it off and then the door opened and Mattia wrapped me in a tight hug-
M: I'm sorry
K: it's not your fault
M: I know but still
-he let go of me and ran his thump over where the cut in my lip is then kissed me and smiled then he picked me up and took me to a one of the two room and sat me on the bed and sat next to me-
M: you and Alvaro need to stop arguing
K: he started it
M: I don't care who started it no one wants to hear it you both need to stop or you'll be punished
K: what are you my mom
M: Kai I'm serious you both need to apologize
K: um no he needs to I didn't do anything
M: Kai you stole his man
K: it was by accident, why are choosing his side
M: I'm not it's-
K: you know what stop me, Samy, and lehani are going to go walk around bye
M: stay safe
-I walked out and grabbed the two and we left we walked around the site and in the woods then we watched there's cute boys bike and then we decided to go back once we did we all the laid in the couch and watched Netflix-

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