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Kairi's POV
-I was in the car with Robby and I was kinda nervous cause I didn't know who gave me the note but I just thought whatever and Robby said he would wait for me so I got out of the car and checked my phone it was 6:30 and the sun was going down I was walking down the trail and I got to the end and it was on this hill and i saw a blanket but I sat at the picnic table and I go on my phone waiting for them to show up-
??: hey you made it
K: yea so-
-I turn around and see Mattia???-
K: what the hell what did you bring me here for
M: Kai I'm sorry but just listen ok
K: ugh fine
M: so I really like you and you make me a better person and your so funny and cute and I love you
K: I love you too tia but I'm still confused on why-
M: listennn ok, i can't get enough of you and these last few weeks we have been flirting and it has been great and now I want to ask you if you'll be my boyfriend
-as he said that I blushed soo hard and was shocked and I was in love with him-
M: sooo kai will you
K: yessss I will
-I jumped into his lap and started kissing him and he picked me up and placed me on the table and kept kissing me but he then pulled away-
M: god I fucking love you
K: I love you too
-he picked me up again and laid me on the blanket and he got on it with me and we cuddled and it was getting cold and I started shivering cause I only wore a tee shirt and joggers, i guess Mattia noticed because he gave me his sweatshirt-
K: nooo then you will be cold
M: baby it's fine I'm already warm and I want you to be warm
K: ok
- we laid and talked for awhile then i was getting tired-
K: I'm tired
M: ok let's go home
K: ok
-he drove to my house and he pulled in the driveway he quickly got out and ran to my side of the car and opened the door and let me out then he picked my up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he walked inside and to my room and laid me down on my back on my bed and started kissing me then I pulled away cause I saw someone on my couch but I couldn't tell who they were then they walked out of the shadow and it was MY DAD! shitttt- (k/d kairi's dad)
K/d: kairi I thought you knew better then to be gay and Mattia I knew you were a fucking fag now you can watch your poor boyfriend get beat
M: no back the fuck away
K: Mattia don't he's going to hurt you
K/d: oh I don't wanna hurt him I wanna hurt you in front of him
K: dad stop
M: Kai you need to go now!
K: I can't leave you alone with him he's a psycho
M: I know but he wants to hurt you so you have to go ok
-I tried running for the door but he beat me to it and grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to Mattia who hugged me and then kept me in his arms-
K/d m: your such a disappointment
-after he said the he pulled a gun out and Mattia stepped in front of me I tried pushing him but he wouldn't move I couldn't let him die though-
K: Mattia move
M: no
K/ d: boys don't make this harder then it has to be if I get kairi I'll leave you alone Mattia
M: I won't-
- we heard a knock on my door I walked to answer the door and it was my sister I told her to go away loud kinda so my dad would think that was all I had to say the I gave her my phone and it had 911 on the line and I whispered dad and gun to her then closed my door and went back to hiding behind Mattia-
K/d: come on son don't you want to see your brother
K: dad
K/d: you know I killed him because of you I hate you your a mistake I wanted you mother to get an abortion but she said no and now I have a fucking fag son who should be dead! Rehab didn't help after me drugging you so know I'll just have to torture you instead
K: Mattia just let him
M: I can't kai I love you so I can't just give you up knowing your going to die
-we heard someone open the door and come up the stairs then my door bust open-
Police: sir you have the right to remain silent anything you say or do can and will be used a against you in the state of law
- I ran over to Mattia and jumped in his arms he just wrapped his arms around me but I could tell he was still confused on how they got here but I didn't care I just hugged him then Maiya walked in-(mai-Maiya)
Mai: are you guys ok
M: yea
K: we are, thanks for calling them
M: oh you told her when she knocked
K: yea and my moms on her way home right now then I'll tell them about you know
M: ok and it's going to be fine they love you
Mai: what are you guys talking about
K: nothing
Mai: whatever
K/m: omg are you three ok I was so worried
K: mom we are ok
Mai: yup I'm fine
M: I'm ok too
K/m: oh good
K: mom,Maiya I have to tell you guys something
K/m: what is it honey
K: uh it's that I'm g-gay
K/m: oh that's great
Mai: I already knew you were too weird to be straight
K: Maiya! Um but I'm also dating Mattia
K/m: ok that is great you two are perfect I love you two boys
Mai: ohhh is that why you two were checking each other's dicks like a few weeks-
K: Maiya shut up
K/m: I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that and go make dinner you boys have fun but use protection
M: Kai it's fine I'm just glad your safe
K: yea same for you
-after that we just laid in my bed and watched tik toks until my mom called us down for dinner then we ate and went up stair and laid in my bed, he cuddled me and we fell asleep-

A/n I'll try to update more today

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