Kai's birthday

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Kairi's POV
-I woke up and had a pounding headache from crying I got up and started walking to the one person who couldn't lie to me the only one who cares I walked to Alvaro's house the reason being he can't lie for shit when he lies he starts biting his lip so I knew I could get the truth out of him, his house was kinda far I had to pass mattia's house but whatever I kept walking and my feet were sore I was still wet my back hurt and I was a mess I finally got there I knocked and he answered-
Al: hello- kai what happened
K: Alvaro I need your help
Al: why are you wet
K: can I have some clean clothes
Al: sure then we can eat
K: ok
-I went in his room and grabbed some of his sweats and a shirt me and him were pretty much the same size so it fitted good enough after we went downstairs and made ramen then we sat down and I explained everything that happened last night-
Al: Kai I'm so sorry and do you really wanna break up with him
K: no I wish I never said that and I hope he doesn't actually think we are broke up I was just mad but varo I'm not enough
-I started tearing up-
Al: hey kai your enough and he's not cheating on you I promise
-he walked over to me and started rubbing my back and I noticed he wasn't biting his lip-
K: then what's he hiding
Al: I can't tell you
K: why
Al: you'll see lat-
-we were interrupted by someone banging on the door Alvaro looked out of the peephole and whispered Mattia and I ran into the closet and I heard the door open and muffled hellos-
M: Alvaro where is kai
Al: I don't know
M: is he or was he here
Al: nope
M: Alvaro I know your lying
Al: I'm not
M: your bitting your lip and you do that when your lying
Al: really?
M: yes now where is he I have been looking for him since last night and he hasn't been anywhere
Al: fine he was here
M: fuck where did he go
Al: I don't know
M: god!
Al: hey calm down Mattia
M: varo what am I doing wrong he fucking hates me I'm a shitty person if I'm not with Kai then what the hell am I here for I don't deserve it I fucking hate my life I'm a screw up
Al: no Mattia your not and stop saying that you deserve everything you have and Kai still loves and trust you ok you just have to talk to him
M: this is all cause I wanted to plan him a fucking surprise birthday like fuck this shit and now it's my fault that he might be dead on him goddamn birthday!
Al: Mattia it's not your fault
M: I gotta go look for him
-I heard him walking but I couldn't let him leave knowing he was feeling like that so I stepped out of the closet and I ran over to him-
K: Mattia wait!
M: Kai
-he turned around and picked me up and hugged me so tight I missed him so much so I grabbed the sides of his face and kissed him and I hugged him tighter and buried my head into his chest then he put me down-
M: Kai I'm so so sorry I didn't mean for-
K: no it's my fault I overreacted and I sorry I love you so fucking much
M: ok kai I love you too happy birthday kai baby
K: thank you tia
M: ok we need go home and get ready hector is coming to pick you up soon
K: ok wait tia your eyes are all red why were you crying
M: I fucking missed you I need you
K: I fucking love you and I didn't mean it
M: ok we need to go bye Alvaro see you later
K: bye thanks and I'm keeping theses
Al: your welcome and your not
K: I am
-we got in the car and we drove to our house and I got into some jeans and and waited for hector once he came he wished me happy birthday and we went to the mall he said we should get some new bathing suits and we did I got this comfortable purple one purple is also tias favorite color so I knew he would like them I got them then I just looked for stuff and we ended up getting chick fil a from the food court and then we went to get ice cream and we did but it was funny cause his ice cream dropped off his cone and he was mad and had to bye a new one we eventually went to my house and my parents gave me stuff and Mattia and Alvaro and Ro were there then we all decided to go over robbys because he couldn't go out or that's what Ro said we got there we walked in and I see big number balloons that say 17 and a lot of my friends and some people from school I see so many decorations and I was smiling so hard and then everyone gave me a group hug and then they either went outside or to the bar and ran over to Mattia and hugged him and he just kissed my head then I went to use the bathroom-
Mattia's POV
-I saw kai go use that bathroom so I poured four shots then waited out side the bathroom until he came out-
K: ahh
M: you good
K: yes you just scared me
M: oh well here
-I handed him two shots and he took them really fast and I was surprised because they didn't bother him like at all and for how small he was you would think it would then I took mine and I pulled him close dropping the glasses on the table next to me and I started making out with Kai I just pulled away and walked out side I took my shirt off and shoes and stuff and jumped in the pool because I already had my bathing suit on and I was just swimming when I saw kai walk out in a purple bathing suit, purple was my favorite color I was practically drooling over him then he got in the pool and came near me-
K: take a picture it will last longer
M: ok where's my phone
K: I was joking you ass
M: thanks I know I have a great one
K: my god you make everything so pg 13
M: you wanna know what else is pg 13
K: what
M: how hard you make me
K: you know what Mattia
M: what
-as soon as I said that he climbed on my back causing me to be pushed under water I struggled to get up until I felt the pressure release from my back and I went above water again I saw kai swimming away laughing so ran over to him and grabbed him and started tickling him and everyone but the boys kept saying "oooo" because we didn't tell them we were dating but after I finished with Kai I got out to get a drink when I bumped into hector and he just turned around fast-
H: he man watch- oh hey Mattia
M: hey sorry I didn't mean to
H: it's cool
M: so you having fun
H: yea
M: you see any cute girls for you
H: I think vics kinda cute
M: ohhh ok
H: don't try anything
M: ok
-after that he walked away I had to pee so I was walking to the bathroom when I heard muffled whimpers I walked into the room they were coming from and I see someone holding down kai and covering his mouth the person turned around and it was....-

A/n omgggg 1k reads thx love you all

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