End of school

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     Kairi's POV
         1 1/2 weeks(last day of school)
-i woke up to my stupid ass alarm I sat up and stretched i them remember it was the last day of school I got excited and ran to Mattia's room and he was sleeping so I jumped on him until he woke up when he did he pushed me to the side of him and turned to face me-
M: can I help you
K: tiaaa it's the last day of school get up and get ready so we can go
M: you know we still have all next year until college
K: yea but after school we're going to look at houses remember
M: oh yea but gimme like ten more minutes
K: no, can I pick your outfit
M: no
K: I have a great style so it will be good please
M:  that's true fine but let me go back to sleep until you do
K: ok deal
-I got up and ran to his closet I picked out his red and black and white Jordan retro 1's and this red shirt and his red and black Jordan shorts and black nike socks it was a good outfit for him I wouldn't wear it personally but I always told him to wear it and he never did so now was my best chance after I went and changed into this white shirt and a blue flannel and baggy jeans and my af1 after I parted my hair in the middle and walked back into his room I was shaking him but he wasn't waking up so I slapped him not super hard though and he woke up hold the side of his face where I slapped and I just tried looking as innocent as I could standing there-
M: oww wtf
K: I didn't mean to you weren't getting up
M: well I'm up now where's my outfit
K: in the closet
M: ok
-I sat in his bed and went in his phone because mine was still in my room and I was playing games then he came out of the closet (get the joke no ok) and I looked him up and down and the outfit was sooo good-
M: ok I have to admit this is a really good outfit
K: I know now let's eat and go to school
M: k
-I gave him his phone and we ate cereal then brushed our teeth then we left and once we got there we meet up Samy and mar and walked to find the others-
Mar: where the hell are they
K: I don't know
M: yea wtf
S: oh there
-Sammy pointed to them they were in the gym they were on the bleachers so I ran over to them and jumped in Alejandros lap like nothing-
A: uh hey kai
K: guys it's the last day of school
R: we know
K: and you know what we're doing after school
Al: yea picking a house why are you so excited
K: I don't know it's just gonna be so fun
(Little did he know it wasn't)
H: it is imma get me a girl with a fattttt ass and some nice tittys
K: your so subjective
A: Right
H: y'all just bully me Ro and Robby and new guy Zach cause we straight
Ro: I know y'all always hating on me and roshauna
Al: pretty much this group is mostly gays
Z: ok but can we talk about the fact that you all still call me new guy Zach when I have been most of your friend for years I just joined this group like a few weeks ago
Ro: yea that's why your new guy Zach
Z: oh my lord
K: so papi ale how is it going ya know sex life wise
A: good I saw this hot ass girl the other day and she gave me her number
-after he said that I looked at varo who got up and was walking away I excused myself and walked after him I finally caught up to him and he had his head in his hands and was crying-
K: what happened to your guys I thought it was going good
Al: it was we were getting close like romanticly but then he stopped talking to me unless it was all the boys or someone them with us, he wouldn't respond to any of my texts, snaps, or dm's he ghosted me the day we fucked I asked him if it was a one night thing but he said no and that we were friends with benefits but now he hates me because I'm fucking ugly
K: varo don't say that
Al: I am anyone that has tried to date me only used me to get close to the other boys my own brother hates me he constantly yells at me that I'm a disappointment I just want to look like you your better and have a great relationship
-I started crying now we walked into the bathroom and into the big stall and were on the floor then I heard the bathroom door open but just ignored it-
K: I may have a great relationship but I'm anything but good looking I'm fat and short I should be fucking dead and my father was a constant reminder of that and Dante died 3 years ago because of me it's my fault I should never have been born
-we started hugging and crying in each other's embrace-
Al: Kai we're gods mistakes
K: I know I only live for Mattia
Al: I don't have anything to live for anymore I just wanna die
-i heard the bathroom door open then close but just kept hugging him and crying-
     Alejandros POV
-after I said that I felt bad I noticed Alvaro walk away then kai got up and I just look down and I wish I didn't say that but my parents are very classic and I don't think they would like if I was gay they said that they two guys kiss and the were disgusted so I decided I need to stop with Alvaro-
Ro: yo what the fuck Alejandro you know he still has feelings for you
A: it's jus-
S: I don't wanna hear the bullshit you fucking played with his feelings and now look at him you know he already doubts himself cause you fucking played him!
Mar: Samy calm down
-mar pulled Samy back cause he was about to fight me hector helped-
M: Alejandro I love bro but that shit is messed up like what hell
R:you need to apologize
A: guys I know I will
-I was taking a breath then about to go-
Z: NOW! 
-I got up and ran to where I saw them go but I didn't see them but the bathroom was right there so I assumed they went in so I walked in and I heard crying I was abut I call Alvaro's name when I heard kai talk so I stayed quiet-
K: I may have a great relationship but I am anything from good looking I am fat and short I should be fucking dead and my father was a constant reminder of that Dante died 3 years ago because of me and it's my fault I never should have been born
Al: Kai we're gods mistakes
K: I know I only live for Mattia
Al: I don't have anything to live for anymore I just wanna die
-that's all I had to hear I walked out in the hallway and and went out side and sat on a bench I never knew kai felt like that he was also so happy never cried unless it was Mattia and I knew about Dante dying  but it was because of him I didn't know why and Alvaro wants to die and it's my fault I didn't know either of them could be sad like this sad they only live or lived for one thing I hate myself how could I be so stupid now Alvaro's gonna fucking kill himself and I can't help cause he doesn't wanna talk to me I was pulling on my hair and had my elbows on my knees I started crying and i got mad at myself so I stood up and punched the wall my knuckles started bleeding so I leaned my head against the wall and dropped my hands to my sides I heard the bell ring indicating it was time for class I turned around and walked to the gym and grabbed my stuff the boys stuff and them were gone so I walked to first class alone and saw someone with their head down so I sat next to them and did the same then I felt something touch my hand so I lifted my head up and it was varo he was looking at my knuckles and he touched one and it stung so I flinched and brought it close to me I didn't make eye contact with him cause I felt bad so I just let the blood drip from my knuckles to the floor but I felt his hand again so I looked back up and when I did I looked directly in his red, puffy, swollen eyes and he looked at mine and i brushed my fingers over the side of his face then pulled it in and kissed him I made sure it was full of love and lust then I pulled away and I looked at him again-
A: varo don't kill yourself i fucking need you I love you-
Al: you what
A: uhhh ummm I love you there I said it I love you I love you I love you and I need you
Al: I love you too
-I pulled him back in and kissed him it quickly turned into a make out session but was interrupted by the bell we pulled away and his lips were red and swollen I knew mine were to I smiled at him and he grabbed my hand that I punched the wall with and held it with both of his then he took one off and grabbed his stuff and I did too and we walked to the nurses we cleaned it up then the rest of the day was boring until all the boys meet up in the parking lot we all drove to robbys to talk about the house we finally agreed on three to look at then we freshened up and got into Mattia's car since it was the biggest and drove off to the first location-

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