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        Kairi's POV
-Mattia is taking me on a date tonight it's gonna be our first in a while I was so excited right now me, Alvaro, lehani, and Samy are shopping, I'm getting something to wear on my date I found the right bright red crop too to wear now I just need bottoms we are in VS because lehani begged us so I was just looking because why not and Samy tapped my shoulder I turned and see him holding a black mini skirt identical to the one I got him-
K: no
S: yes
K: no
S: why no
K: fat thighs
S: no perfect things so your wearing this with black knee high socks and your red high top converse and the shirt you got ok
K: but-
S: no buts it's cute now let's go
-he bought it and the lady behind us looked at us weird so I barked at her and me and Samy bursted out laughing and we walked to Burger King where lehani and Alvaro went while we bought the skirt we got in line with them and bought chicken nuggets then we all ate and showed what we got then left once we got back it was 3:45 and our date was at 6 so I had to get ready I looked through all my drawers to finally find my knee highs I grabbed my shoes and the two bags then went to the bathroom and changed when I walked out Samy clapped them dragged me to Alvaro's room where he was doing lehani's make up and Samy sat ne down and started doing mine about an hour of singing and laughing he finished and I looked pretty it was simple but i likes it I got up and asked Alexa what time it was she said it was 6:03 I kissed the threes cheeks and ran downstairs to see Mattia looking at his phone in a navy blazer with a tight black shirt under and black trousers with a black bet and matching black shoes I smiled at him and walked over and tapped him he looked me up and down then smiled and kissed me and we exited the house and got in his car and he drove to the restaurant we got there and he had valet park his car we walked in and there was only few people we walked behind the server and sat at our table we looked at the menu and all the shit like $60-
K: uh Mattia the food here is really expensive
M: I know
K: Mattia I can't afford this
M: baby I got it
K: but I don't want you paying for my food
M: it's ok
K: fine
-the waitress waited us and we ate the food was delicious after we finished she brought the bill and I went to grab and so did Mattia but I got it I looked at the bill and it was $376.43 WTH omg i can't pay before I count open my mouth to tell Mattia he grabbed it and put his car in it and handed it to the waitress
K: Mattia the bill was 377 dollars
M: ok
K: I'll Venmo you half
M: no I want to treat you
K: ok but-
M: hush now cmon
-he grabbed his card that was placed back on the table and we left instantly if going to the car he took me to little Italy in jersey I smiled as we walked down the brick walkway with lights connected to the crossing builds lighting the path we walked to the end and he pulled me into this cute jewelry shop and he grabbed something from the cashier and he pulled me out and we walked back but once we got to this wiling well he stopped me and turned me to him he pulled a little box out from his pocket and opened it and there was a ring I gasped and looked at him with my eyes watering and my hands over my mouth-
M: so I know we're to young to get married but kairi will you take this ring as a promise to one day marry me
K:....... yes
-he slid the ring on my pointer finger and I hugged him then we continued walk and he had to tie his shoe so I walked and was going to sit on this bench when my hair clip fell out to I bent and picked it up when I felt a sharp sting on my ass I jumped up and she this tall man starting at me smirking he wasn't taller the Mattia but he was decent-
R/m: hey cutie
K: ummmm
R/m: you have a nice ass
K: uh thanks
-Mattia walked up behind him and got close to his ear-
M: talking to my boyfriend
R/m: what the hell
M: you heard me and his ass taste as good as it looks but you're never gonna test that so unless you wanna get that smirk wiped of you face I'd suggest leaving
-the man walked away and Mattia looked at me mad-
M: kairi what the hell did I just tell you yesterday about wearing revealing clothes
K: uhhh not to do it
M: yea and what do you do... wear a mini skirt which Is hot but not when someone looks at your ass the touches it I don't want you wearing that shit
K: why
M: because you look like a slut
K: well what if I am
-Mattia looked at me before wrapping his hand around my throat-
M: your only my slut understand
-he gritted through his teeth-
K: y-yes
M: good now let's go home slut
-he released his grip and grabbed my head and we walked to the car and drove home and went to sleep since it was 11:00-

                    Mattia do be rough doe😳

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