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Kairi's POV
-I woke up and it felt like a good day, I went to the bathroom and took a shower I felt so refreshed I got out and shanked into booty shorts and oversized shirt and went downstairs and asked lehani if she wanted to skate board with me we were the only two in the house that really know how she said sure and hat she had to get dressed real quick I put waffles in the toaster and went to the living room and sat on tias lap and kissed him-
K: good morning babes
M: morning princess, where you going
K: skateboarding with leh
M: alright have fun and be safe
K: ok
-I got up to get my waffles-
M: change your shorts you ass is out
K: no I grabbed my waffles and leh came down and we walked to the garage and grabbed our boards and walked out side and waited until this car passed then we got on and just skated down the road it was still slightly cloudy but it wasn't cold it felt nice since it was early fall we decided to skate to this flower field we were going and we were almost there and we saw these cute boys and we just looked at each other like "oh bitch they hot" we laughed and just continued once we got there we got off our skateboards and grabbed them and walked into the field I too some pictures and she took some of me then we walked asked to this nearby school and ran to the playground and was messing around and lehani broke one of those things you sit on and rock back and forth we died laughing the ran because some lady walked out from the school and we made our way back home and it was hot so we tried to hurry before it got worse once we got back we sat our boards in the garage and then I walked in and plopped in the couch I closed my eyes and I felt a weight on top of me and I slowly opened my eyes and looked down and  Alvaro was hugging my waist I patted his head and I closed my eyes and went to sleep-
          Mattia's POV
-I walked downstairs after I finished my shower and I see Alvaro on top of kai I hated their friendship sometime I feel like Alvaro is gonna make a move on kai but I just rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchens and sat at the island I grabbed Nutella while I was sitting down and I started just eating it out of the jar and and after I didn't want it anymore and I put the spoon in the sink and put the Nutella away and walked into the living room I was irritated and I just yanked Alvaro off kai because I wanted cuddles and Alvaro whined and kai woke up and whined too I started to get on him-
M: hey bab-
K: Mattia! Move you hurt Alv
M: what I liter-
-kai pushed me out of the way and grabbed Alv and held him bridal style and they laid back l on the couch together and cuddled I groaned-
M: when do I get cuddles
K: no I'm mad you pushed my baby
M: but I thought I was your baby
K: well right now your not
-I sighed and walked up stairs and laid on my bed then I got the perfect idea to make it up to kai so I grabbed my laptop and started looking-
       Kairi's POV
-me and Alv were sleeping when I felt someone tap me I just moved my shoulder and they tapped me again so I groaned-
M: baby wake up please
-I opened my eyes and Mattia was looking at me smiling-
K: what?
M: I want to make it up to you for push Alv and waking you up so come one we have to go somewhere
K: where
M: it's a surprise
K: fine
-I gently removed Alv from me and got up I slipped my shoes on and combed through my hand with my fingers really quick, grabbed my phone and walked to Mattia's car I got in the passenger side and turned the radio and just sat back and closed my eyes after like ten minutes I felt the car come to a complete stop I opened my eyes and were at a dog adoption center? What the heck, Mattia got out I did as well-
K: why are we here
M: you'll see
K: ugh
-we walked in the building and I sat down in a chair and Mattia was talking to the lady at the front desk they finally stopped and Mattia told me to come on so I hopped up and followed them we walked to the back of the place and into this room when i walked in it was filled with puppies I smiled and sat down and all the dogs and an over to me I was petting them and they were all so cute I loved this I ended up falling in my back laying on the floor and they all started lock me and getting on me I was giggling and I was so happy I wanted all of them, Mattia sat next to me and pet some the lady finally spoke up-
Lady: so which one do you boys want
M: yea why else would we be here
K: idk omg ok hi want all of them I can't choose
Lady: well I'll give you two a minute just call me when you have chosen
M: ok thanks
K: mattiaaa I want this one, wait no him , wait- I can't choose one
M: look there's one sleeping back there
K: OMGGGG their are so cute
- I pick them up and was petting them they were all adorable but idk I just wanted this one the most they are I mean he is was so cute and adorable-
K: I want this one
M: ok I'll get the lady
K: ok
-ghey both came back  and I told her this one was the one I wanted and we walked out after I said bye to all the puppies and Mattia bought him and they we got some stuff for him there like the bed, food, toys, and etc then we got in the car and i was holding him in my lap I was so excited my smile hasn't left my face since I got here-
M: so am I forgiven
K: yes yes one thousand times yes omg I have a dog he's so cute I love him
M: alright don't go liking him more then me
K: too late he's adorable
M: so what do you want to name him
K: uhhhhh idk
M: what if you name him chuck
K: ew no it has to be cute
M: uh buster
K: basic and old dog sounding- omg I got it kattia I'm naming him kattia
M: kattia how'd you come up with that
K: mix of Mattia and kairi
M: ohh cute well we are here
K: omggg I have to show everyone hector is gonna be so jealous and Robby hahaha
-I got out of the car with kattia and walked inside and leha gasped and ran over to me when she saw him-
h:a dog!!!
Alv: move I wanna see
R: hey who's dog did you steal
K: I didn't steal anyone's dog-
M: I adopted him
S: awww he s so cute what's his name?
K: kattia
Leh; omg I'm gonna die he's adorable
-we all played with kattia for hours and luckily he's potty trained around five I fed him and we ate at six then we played with him more and we play video games downstairs kattia looked sleepy so I took to my room and laid with him on my bed as I listened to music with my led lights on red-

Sorry for not posting like I said  I would but imma just say school suck and I was supposed to finish reading this book and I havent touched it at all lmaooo but yea I'm gonna try to post every other day during the week and then Saturday and Sunday

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