Roller skate

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Mattia's POV
3 days later
-me and kai made up and we started dating again and I promise him I would never smoke again he also told me him and Ro weren't dating and it was to get me jealous but tonight all of us decided to go roller skating it was currently 4:00 and we were going at 7:30 so I had time to kill so I decided to go swimming I put on my bathing suit and went outside then Robby came out he was a really underrated friend in the group and me and him never really hung out just us that much so this would be fun he jumped in with me and we kept fooling around and messing with each other it was really fun then Samy peeked our and told us that it was 7:00 so we had to get ready I went to the bathroom and showered then Robby did after me I just wore ripped jeans, my red hoodie and my af1 once I finished I got in the car and I sat in the passenger seat the Samy came and went in the driver, kai, Alejandro, and Alvaro in the second row, lehani, hector, and Ro in the third and mar and Robby in the trunk we didn't feel like taking two cars so we just did that we pulled up and all got out of the car we walked in and a few fans noticed us and we took pictures then we all got our skates on and got on the rink I knew how to skate so I just started then I realized I forgot kai so I went back to where we put our stuff and he was sitting there with Samy-
M: uhhh what are you guys doing
K: I don't skate
M: why
K: because last time I broke my arm
M: cmon i here I gotchu
K: no
M: please I don't wanna do it alone
K: fine but Samy has to come
M: yes fosho we can have a family night
S: but you have another brother and your dad so it's just the favorites but don't tell varo he will get jealous
M: ok but let's go
-they put their skates on and we were skating then Samy fell and I laughed causing me to fall and laugh more after a few more times going around the rink we decided to get some food the mar came over and sat next to Samy we were all eating and this girl started flirting with mar but he was annoyed because he told her to go away so he pulled Samy in and the started kissing and then they started making out and she left-
K: ok just me or did anyone just get major deja vu
M: yea I got some but one thing is off....... oh yea you two aren't dating
Mar: yea I wish we were but I'm takin it slow so whenever Samy is ready we can date again and not to sound cheesy it I'll wait for however long it takes because I really love and respect him
S: ok with that said mar do you wanna get back together
Mar: wait really
S: yea I'm ready and I can tell you've matured a little bit
Mar: yes
-mar grabbed Samy's face and kissed him they were so cute then kai got up to use the bathroom and mar, Samy, and I were talking and I realized kai was taking forever so I excused my self to go check on him I walked in the bathroom and I see this guy cornering him and I run over and pulled the guy back and grab kai and start taking him back to table but the guy kept saying shit so I ran over and punched him the walked away we walked to the table and had a good rest of the night the guy didn't bother kai anymore and we finally went home and we were all watching Disney+ when there was a knock at the door which was odd because it was 1:00am I walk over and open it to see.......

Who should it be?? and I have some drafts I'll post tomorrow also I'll fix tomorrow so yea I'm tired so Gn or gm

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