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Alvaro's POV
-I woke up and had a horrible headache but I felt a second person behind me I turn over and see Alejandro then I look under the covers and we both were naked I started thinking about last night I knew I was drunk out of my mind then I remembered that ME AND ALEJANDRO FUCKED.......... omgggg I just decided to play it cool so I cuddled into his side and he wrapped his arms around me but he was still asleep so I just went back to sleep for like ten minutes then he started moving and he woke up so I pretended I was just getting up now too-
A: good morning varo
Al: morning
A: so how'd you sleep
Al: uh good but I have a question
A: shoot
Al: so um you remember last night right
A: yea
Al: uhh what are we
A: umm I'm not sure
Al: oh well was it just a drunk mistake orrr
A: I wasn't drunk I didn't even drink at all last night
Al: oh well I'm just gonna go home
A: hah no your not
Al: why not?
A: because your still hung over so your staying here until I take all of you home later
Al: fine
A: good now come here I wanna cuddle
Al: wait so are you like gay, bi, or like pan or something
A: I'm not sure cause like I still like girls
Al: oh
A: butttt I sure as hell liked what we did sooo I don't know if I just like you or what
Al: oh ok
-we were just talking and watching big mouth-
A: varo
Al: what
A: you look like nick
Al: fuck you
A: you already did baby
Al: I hate you
A: that's no way to talk to me
Al: well deal with it-
-someone knocked on the door-
A: come in
-kairi walked in-
K: morning y'all um Robby is ordering breakfast for everyone from McDonald's so what do you want
Al: uh can I have pancakes and sausage
A: varo you already had mine
Al: shut up-
K: wait what!!!
A: nothing I was joking but can I have a egg McMuffin
K: ok bye have fun but not too much
Al: ok
-kairi walked out and closed the door-
Al: I hate you
A: uhh why
Al: I didn't wanna tell him yet
A: oh I'm sorry baby
Al: well your not forgiven
A: ok then if I fuck you will you forgive me
Al: maybe
A: ok then
Al: uh not rn my legs already hurt from last night
A: ahaha
Al: it's not funny that was my fir- I mean that hurt
A: was i your first?
Al: maybe
A:I was wasn't I
Al: fine you were
A: awww I'm sorry
Al: for what
A: for it not being that good I was tired
Al: it was really good to me
A: oh well varo we should do it again
Al: yea ohhhh can we be fuck buddies pleaseeee jandro pleaseeeeee
A: fine
Al: omg omg thank you I love you
A: love you to weirdo
Al: I feel offended
A: ok put your clothes on
Al: I can't walk can you get them
A: fine you baby
-he grabbed my clothes and gave them to me I got dressed and so did he-
A: ok come on
Al: I told you I can't walk you give me a piggy back ride
A: fine
-he walked over to me and crouched next to the bed and I got on his back the he walked to the living room and once we got down there it was only our group so he sat me down on this spot on the couch and the sat next to me but I just moved onto his lap and he was playing with my hair and I fell asleep-
Kairi's POV
-I saw Alvaro on Alejandro lap and al was playing with his hair and they were so cute Alejandro was usually not as gentle with anyone but with Alvaro he was and I knew they fucked last night I walked in by accident and they didn't notice it was nasty but Alejandro better treat him right-
Ro: the foods here bitches
A: shut Ro, Alvaro is sleeping
Ro: ok god so was his dick good last night
A: what
Ro: I know y'all fucked
A: we didn't
Ro: oh
K: ok can we just eat
A: yea y'all can imma take him back upstairs
-ale picked varo up and carried him up stairs but never came back down so we just assumed he was laying with him-
K: ok I don't know about you but I ship them
Mar: yea I do
S: yasss bitch
R: yea we all know they fucked
Ro: I know but I dont know is ale is like bi or something
K: yea but I don't want varo to get hurt
M: yea we need to get them together
R: you know what I realized most of this group is gay or bi 
-I started feeling sick I wanted to throw up and I was on my way to the bathroom and I threw up-
R: omg on my carpet
M: Kai are you ok
-I was about to throw up again and I ran to the bathroom and barely made it and I threw up and it wouldn't stop I just kept doing it and Mattia was rubbing my back and telling me to get it out I finally stopped-
M: ok were gonna get you home
K: ok
-we walked back to the living room and said bye to everyone and he took me home quick once we got there I ran to my bathroom and threw up again I didn't know what happened I thought that I could be sick of I could have got food poisoning but it could also just be my hang over cause after I push varo into the room with ale I decided to get really drunk and I wasn't stop anytime sooo I ended up crashing and I tried to fuck Mattia in the living room while a lot of people were there it was bad, I just rested my forehead on the toilet bowl Mattia came in and gave me medicine and I took it then I stopped throwing up and walked to my bed and laid down and sat there looking at the ceiling thinking when Mattia walked in and and at the end of my bed-
M: hey baby
K: hey
M: do you feel any better
K: not really
M: oh ok you need anything
K: no but thanks
M: ok well I'm gonna check your temperature to see if you have a fever cause you felt warm earlier
K: ok
M: wait what if your pregnant
K: idiot I can't be
M: oh yea sorry
K: baby you don't need to apologize
M: ok I'll be right back
-with that he left the room and came back with a thermometer and checked my temperature and I had a little fever but it was only 100.1 so it could just be from how much I drank I just felt dizzy so I went to sleep and Mattia  cuddled me I told him he might get it if I have something but he said I was worth it and I laughed and he started making out with me and I was grabbing his pants cause he was kinda hard but he moved my hand and then we pulled away and went to sleep-

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