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       Kairi's POV
-it's been four days and I'm going back to the house today and I and telling Mattia I need some space, I finally finished packing my bags and I'm eating breakfast now then leaving in having eggs and toast my mom made for me and Maiya it's pretty good I'm almost finished and I'm scared to ask for space because like what if he doesn't understand and breaks up or if he cry's or something I'm mean I'm just asking for space just a little time to make sure I'm ok right it's not a break up he'll understand, right? god I've been stressing all morning about this, i heard a beep from out side so it was finally time to goI grabbed my phone and all my bags then said bye to my family then I got into robbys car I threw my stuff in the back and got in the passenger seat and buckled up and he pulled out of the drive way-
R: so are you going to ask for space
K: yea I mean it's not a real up so he'll u understand right?
R: yea of course
K: ok I'm scared like what if he doesn't or what if he breaks up with me or what if he gets mad or if he gets sad or what if he's been sleeping with Samy or what if-
R: Kai shut up he's gonna understand ok calm down
K: but how can I-
R: deep breaths
-I took a few deep breaths and I calmed down-
K: sorry
R: nothing to be sorry about but we are here
K: oh god
R: kairi everything I'd going to be ok you need to breath alright he's going to get you
K: ok
-we got out and Robby took all my bags how nice then we walked in and I heard screaming in the kitchen and I ran over to see Roshaun yelling at Alvaro-
K: what the hell happened here
Ro: Alvaro ate all of MY PICKLES!
Al: sooooooo
Ro: omggggg
K: oh god
-I walk up to my room and Mattia was on his phone and didn't notice me so I walked and sat next to him
and he turned to me and smiled the kissed my cheek-
M: hey cutie
K: hiiiii
M: how were your parents house
K: it was good but I have something to tell you
M: oh is it that you wanna have sex
K: no-
M: then I don't wanna here it
-he turned away from me-
K: Mattia this is serious
M: oh um ok go ahead
K: so you know how you kissed Samy
M: yea
-his face fell to a frown and he looked down I just sighed-
K: well I want some space right now
M: oh
-he looked at me his eyes glossy-
K: no no but I don't want to break up I just wants done space like we hang out and shit but we do it more like friends but we still date
M: oh i know what you but as long as we're still together
K: well did you get Samy something yet
M: duh
K: what?
M: well this one thing is a surprise but I'll show you the other stuff
K: why can't I know
M: because I want everyone to be surprised but come here
-he showed me what he got and I showed him well minus the skirt because I do t want him getting any ideas the we watched Friday and ordered tacos then went to sleep-

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