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Mattia's POV
2 days later
-it's been two days since kai left he hasn't come back and I checked with all the boys parents and they haven't seen or heard from him I also spent the night at his house last night to see if he would come but he is too smart he knows not to go to someone's house we would expect so I didn't know where too look I have checked all the nearby hotels and motels but no sign I know it's only been two days and he is 17 but I scared like what is something happened to him and the last thing he remembers of us is that we had a fight and broke up what's also annoying is that Jenna constantly comes over like I get it's my kid but god then I herd a knock it was her I walked downstairs and opened the door and there she was-
J: hi baby
M: we aren't dating and will never date again
J: my god your so annoying like I gave you everything and now you are obsessed over this little  rat who is gay like you can do better
M: I cannot do better and even if we were broken up I would still help him and worry for him I don't care if he hated me with his whole heart I would risk my life over and over again for him because at the end of the day he is my everything and my best friend
Leha: yea Jenna hear that he don't want you leave
-lehani walked past us to the kitchen saying that as she did-
M: him
-I said it as soon as she stopped talked not even taking a breath-
J: fine fine I'm gone I made up being pregnant to get to you I come over all the time and I don't get-
J: I made up being pregnant
-she grinned-
M: Jenna I could kill you why would you do that and break up me and kai and now for all I know he is dead and it's your fault omg I so wish you were a guys so I could beat you the fuck it for ruining my life
-as soon as I said that lehani ran over and started fighting Jenna I just laughed and watched,
jennna started bleeding from her nose and she was trying to pull lehani's hair but lehani would just slap her it was finally getting pretty bad so I pulled her off and into the kitchen-
M: Jenna just go home you liar
-she left and I put a band aid on lehani because she only had one scratch then I just walked upstairs looking down because now all because Jenna kai may never come back once I got up there I just fell on my bed face down and I cried not caring who saw me or if they thought I was weak for crying I just hated my Life right now I havent ate since he left and I miss him so much he always light up my day no matter what I was laying there and I told Alexa to play a playlist and I was occasionally singing then I got to use the bathroom but someone was in there so I just waited a few minutes later the light turned off and they pulled the door open I looked up from my phone and kai was standing I didn't know what to say so I just stared and then I pulled him into a hug and he hugged back-
K: I heard what Jenna did and I'm sor-
M: no I'm sorry I'm so sorry and it was all my fault and you don't need to apologize I'm just glad your ok
K: Mattia I get it I know that night you were high so you weren't really aware what you were doing
M: yea I'm sooo sorry I won't ever get high again I swear
K: it's fine well imma go bye
M: wait where are you going
K: to sleep
-he walked into our room and I used the bathroom and walked into the room and I laid next him I turned on Netflix I knew me and him weren't dating but he just had a piece of my heart and always would I just stared at him and watched him fall asleep then I heard him talking I looked at him but he was still sleeping so I knew he was having a dream so I just sat back down and listened then I heard his moan and I had to bite my bottom lip to stop me from laughing the he was saying shit like "oh that's so good" and "fuck daddy" I found it so funny then he said "fuckkkkkk Mattia" I stoped laughing as smiled I took my shirt of because I was hot and walked out of the room cheering quietly then I walked downstairs and into the kitchen and grabbed a apple and sat next to Samy who looked up from his phone-
S: omg are you ok omg stand up
-He places the back of his hand on my head checking if it was hot then I stood up like he said and he gasped-
S: Mattia Polibio have you not been eating
M: I have
S: no you have not young man your getting thin so your gonna sit with me at every meal and I'm gonna watch you eat now go sit in the time out chair
M: ok dad
S: good now im gonna make dinner then feed it to you
-I walked over and sat on the couch next to Robby and mar and we were all messing around and Samy called us to the table to eat so we walked over and we ate the grilled cheese he made and he fed it to me like he said then we all sat back down and watched some movie Robby wanted to watch then we all decided to invite some people over because we were bored then they came and we all got in the pool the rest of the boys and lehani came down and we were having fun-

Omg thanks so much for 2k+ reads bless you all mwah

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