After sex

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Kairi's POV
-I woke up and my lower back and ass was on fire like holy shit I sat up and I started hitting Mattia's shoulder he wasn't waking up so I hit him on his chest and he finally woke up and looked at me tired I was confused on how I got in my bed but I didn't care right now-
M: what kai
K: Mattia my fucking ass hurts
M: oh oopsie
K: Mattia! Help
M: oh yea I'll be right back
-I was rubbing my back in pain it felt like my asshole was ripped in half or something I was groaning in pain and Mattia came in with a cup of water and something in his other hand he handed me the water-
M: here take these
-he handed me two pills-
K: what are they
M: it's painkillers
K: ok
-I took then and laid back down then I went to grab my phone but it fell off the nightstand so I went to bend over the bed and get it but I could really move my legs they felt numb and hurt soooo bad so I asked Mattia to get it since he did this to me he gave it to me and I went in tik tok I occasionally showed Mattia one then I went on Instagram and I was going through stories and I clicked on Mattia's and it was picture of me sleeping in his arms and him behind me it was cute so I screenshot it and made it my wallpaper I looked up and noticed Mattia was gone I just shrugged and went back to tik tok then my door opened so I looked over my phone and Mattia was walking in with Dunkin Donuts I smiled and turned my phone off and sat it next to me and got in bed with me and handed my a bag and drink I sat the drink on my nightstand and I started eating the food me and him ate and were laughing at some random conversations we were having it was always so fun to talk to him he was so easy to talk to it's nice then he went and threw the food away and while he was Alvaro texted me-
Want time go to the mall
Because I can't now leave me alone you weirdo
-Mattia came back in the room and I laid back down and decided to go to sleep and right as I was falling asleep Alvaro barged in-
Al: why won't you go to the mall with me
K: because I can't
Al: why
M: ahahaha
K: shut up you
Al: what's going on
K: I can't move
Al: why
K: for reasons I don't wanna tell
M: Ahahah Kai's ass hurts
Al: huh.........oh Ahahah I'm guess you asshole is gaping by now it's probably bigger
K: stoppp
-I turned around and put my face in my embarrassed and Alvaro laughed a few more time then left and then ale, Samy, and mar walked in the room-
A: nice job Mattia you destroyed kai
K: omg guys
Mar: so in a scale of one to ten was it worth it kai
K: stop it mar I would beat your ass but-
Mar: Mattia already beat yours
K: stopppppppp
S: son are you ok
K: I guess
S: ok good but did you check down there ya know for I don't know any problems
K: what?!
A: ok guys let's go
-they walked out of the room and I got worried about what Samy said-
K: Mattia can you check down there
M: why
K: Samy said there could be problems I dont want problems please you fucking destroyed me so you do it
M: god kai don't listen to those idiots they are just jealous you got fucked I promise next time I'll be easier i mean this is the first time this has happened to you and we had sex many times before this it's fine babe
K: ok well I'm going to sleep and I better be ok by tomorrow or your never topping again and I am
M: hah
K: what
M: you ahah topping aha
K: I could top
M: no you can't
K: I can if I had a bigger ya know
M: yea but you don't and I do so
K: well at least if I topped your ass wouldn't hurt the next day
M: baby I would never know if it was in or not
-I gasped and turned away from him hurt then he tried to cuddle but I just punched him in his big arm and started crying-
M: I'm sorry baby
K: say you don't mean it
M: I don't mean it hehe
K: you do so not mean it your so mean to me
M: Kai I'm really sorry and it's fine to have a small dick I don't care
K: you think it's small
-I sobbed-
M: fuck I- no I don't, I mean for your height it's a perfect size
K: you really think
M: of course I do I'm sorry now get some rest or else we can't have sex again
K: ok goodnight and don't do it so hard
M: goodnight and I can't make any promises
K: ugh

A/n kinda short but yea

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