Road trip pt.5

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      Kairi's POV
-I woke up with a pounding headache because of Mattia yelling at me practically all last night like thanks Alvaro then I walked to get Advil and food and I saw it was raining out of a window that sucks but I just walked and grabbed a pack of pop tarts and fixed water and grabbed the Advil and sat next to mar who was sleeping I took the Advil and started eating when mar woke up and looked right at my pop tart, I think he woke up from the sound or smell great-
Mar: hey bestie
K: what?
Mar: can I have one
K: no
Mar: cmon why not
K: this is mine
Mar: but just get another
K: but I'm hungry
Mar: so am I
K: no you need the exercise
Mar: uh... how rude
-I leaned my head on his shoulder and ate I ended up giving him a few pieces then I walked to the bathroom cause I had to shetttttt but someone was in there and I had to go so bad so I started banging and finally Alvaro came out after what felt like an hour and he really said he fell asleep like really bud but after I got in and took a long shit I washed my hands then walked to wake Mattia up because it was 11:16 so yea I walked into our room and jumped on him but he didn't move so I started shaking him hard then he didn't move so I got a cup of water and put his hand it in and he peed I laughed and took some pictures and videos for later then I walked out knowing he'd probably wake up soon and I told everyone to tell him congrats and call him peepee boy for today after a half hour he walked out and we all started clapping and cheering then we all said good morning peepee boy and he got made and walked away we laughed then I walked after him and he was sulking in our room I giggled and sat next to him-
K: what's wrong peepee boy
M: really it's not funny in 17 and I peed the bed
K: ahhaha
M: stop it's embarrassing please
K: ok sorry sorry
M: can you just help me change the sheets
K: sure
-we got up and pulled the sheets and covers off and walked to the laundromat and washed them then we ran back because it started raining harder after we all Netflix's and chilled for a while then I suggested we played some games everybody agreed and we pulled out games and after forever we decided to play uno, monopoly, life, and taboo we played like 15 rounds of uno and me, Ro, Robby, and hector won like most and mar and leh won none and got salty it was funny then we played monopoly in teams and we played for awhile then decided to end it because it was getting boring so we played taboo and it was so fun we kept laughing and joking it's times like these where I save each and every memory and I love these time where we turn crappy moments into gray memories after playing for so long we were all hungry so we postmated chick fil a and it was $134.12 like gosh but we all payed for wheat we got and then we ate and just talked out school then we headed out separate ways Mattia was horny and kept trying to have sex after rejecting him for the 1000000 time I went to laying on top of him and I felt a big bump and rolled my eyes then said-
K: I feel that
M:...well sorry can't really control captain 12 inch
K: god you named it
M: yes you didn't name yours
K: no that's weird
M: well ale named his and so did Ro,  mar, and hector-
K: enough, thanks
M: ok go to sleep bubs love you
K: good night love you to handsome
-and I went to sleep after having a really fun enjoyable day that didn't really start that way-

Love you💕

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