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          Mattia's POV
     1 month later
-It's a month into school and things have been boring but today was picture day so these pictures are going in the year book and they are going to be on our ids for school so we have to look nice and kai hasn't told me what he's wearing he says it's a surprise so whatever anyways it's 6:00 and school starts at 7:45 so I need to hurry I ate some cereal and then went up stairs and took a quick shower and got into my clothes which just were a white polo under a blue crew neck and some baggy jeans and converse then I brushed my hair and teeth then walked downstairs and grabbed my book bag and got in the car it was 7:20 so we had to go soon and he was taking forever and I honked he finally came out and was wearing a tennis skirt and cropped crew neck with a white polo under it it was baby pink though he also had barrettes in his hair and he had af1's on he looked cute he hopped in and looked at my outfit and smiled-
K: we're twinning
M: we are arent we
K: yup
M: you look pretty
K: thanks you I feel pretty
M: good
K: ok let's goooo
-I pulled out of the drive way and so did some of the other boys we all took separate cars bc we all did stuff after school so it was easier to get home if you had a club or something, we finally pulled into the parking lot and we got out and walked to home room it was Friday so we could do something after school-
      Time skip last period after pictures
-we just got back after taking pictures and I think they turned out good we sat down at the back of the chemistry room and out yea her just put on a science film bc of pictures there wasn't enough time for a lesson we sat at the table all the way in the backs and since it was dark you couldn't see us and damn I wanted to fuck kai so I slowly slipped my pants down and whispered it his ear "you look hot baby" and he looked over to reply and saw what I did and smirked and got on my lap and I lifted his skirt and he wasn't wearing any underwear I grinned and slid my dick inside him and he started to ride me and I was thrusting into him as he got tired and I kept moaning in his ear a few kids looked at us and he flipped them off the the teacher turned the lights on but I didn't stop since you couldn't see through the front of the desk it just looked like he was on my lap then he was walking back to us so I stopped he was asking kids questions about the film and kai got off me and sat on his stool but his asshole was still in reach so I shoved three fingers in and he rolled his eyes and the teacher got to us and I started doing it harder and he looked at kai strange and the asked and kai was stuttering and the teacher asked if he needed to go the nurse and he said he was fine then he asked and I answered quick and he walked to the front of class and turned the lights back off and played the film and kai hit my arm and so chuckled and got on my knees and started to eat him out and he finally came and I willed it off his leg and the cleaned him up and same to me then I got up and sat down and as I did the bell rang and we all left-
-after me and kai got our stuff I tails him I wanted to go on a date with him now bc we had nothing else to do and he said ok so I texted the boys saying what we were doing and Samy said have fun I loved that loser so once he got in my car I drove to this cafe like five minutes away and I parked we got out and I opened the door for him and we sat down and decided what to get we got up and ordered the sat down and the bring it to us and I ordered a black coffee and a croissant and kai ordered an ice coffee and a cake pop we ate and we just talked about stupid thing and we just laughed and we had a good time after an hour we got up and kai saw this field of flowered and asked me to take pictures of him in it so I did and he looked so beautiful and angelic I knew I wanted to marry him soon I am in love with him and I everyday I fall even more for him after he has enough he edited them a little and posted then he was adorable we got in the car and I liked and commented a lot and he saw and giggled and a light blush appeared on his cheeks after I drove us home and Samy asked us how it was and I said nice he smiled and me and kai went to the roof after we changed into mar comfy clothes and we watched the sunset while taking about all of our favorite moments with the boys and one of mine was when we all went to this park one time and played tag and games like little kids until it was dark then we all just laughed and went home I honestly loved my life and I wouldn't trade it for anything after taking kai fell asleep in my lap and I combed through his hair the I climbed us down and went to our room and laid him in bed and went to bed-

Good night❤️

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