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        Mattia's POV
-today me and kai had a test in math that's worth 30% of our grade so we can't  fail it we have been studying together and quizzing each other so we won't fail but right now we were walking to our class and I saw these guys looking at kais ass so I smacked it hella hard and And kissed him the smirked at the guys and we kept walking-
K: Mattia why'd you do that
M: because some guys were looking at your cute butt
K: stop Mattia it's embarrassing
M: whyyy your hot
K: ugh I have to go to the bathroom
M: can I come
K: no
M: please I wanna lick you
K: ew don't be gross
M: what! How's it gross
K: because you said you wanna lick me
M: but you don't think it's gross when i stick my huge bulging dick in you and ram into you until your legs are shaking and you cum out of your ass and I lick your asshole then finger you and make you suck on my fingers and suck your asshole so why can't I lick you know?
K:...........fuck come on
M: are we gonna fuck
K: shush
-he pulled me into the bathroom and we walked to the big stall and he got on his knees I smiled and pulled my dick out and he started bobbing his head and fuck it felt good then he started swirling his tongue around it and I moaned and bit my lip to be quiet while I pushed his head down until his face was red and he was looking at me with his puppy eyes and I let him go after the he started giving me hickeys on my thighs and sometimes licking them after he was done he stood up and smacked my ass as he walked out I quickly pulled my shorts up to realized you could see some of the hickeys I groaned and grabbed my stuff and walked to class and sat down next to kai in the back of the class the teacher the was announcing things and talking about the test and how we can't cheat and blah blah after like five minutes of that he started passing the test out once I got mine I wrote my name on it and started it was a lot harder then I thought it would be after like 45 minutes he took all the test bc it was times but he just said we could do whatever we just had to quiet and he would put in some documentary and we could watch it if we wanted and he sat and graded the test after he turned the lights off kai came and sat in my lap and he looked nervous-
M: what's wrong babe
K: I'm scared about the test
M: Kai you did fine I'm sure you are so smart and it's only 30% we still have 70% of work that will get your grade up faster if which you didn't fail the test just calm down ok
-I hugged him tightly and I was about to talk to him again but he was sleeping some how he looked so peaceful I hated when he stressed out I knew it's partly his anxiety but he worries too much and I just want to show him a good time like I want him to just have fun and be a damn teenager that does stupid shit because I don't think he realizes that what we have now with our friends and everything will be gone soon and I won't tell him that but they will all go to college mostly out of state and we might not all be together all the time anymore and he need to know that but bloody hell I'm gonna have this school year bc let's do it while we have time the bell ring and students started getting up and kai was still sleeping so I grabbed his and my stuff and carried him to next class which we didn't have together but he had with Alvaro and Ro so niece I got ther I walked over to Alvaro and sat him into if Alvaro and his stuff on his desk and left before Alvaro complained I jogged to my class but I knew I would be late I was passing the door to the roof and I stopped and decided to skip this class and walked up there once I got there I sat on the edge and laid down with my feet hanging off and I looked at the sky and put my AirPods in and listen to calming music I was generally happy i then closed my eyes and when I opened then the sun was setting I realized I fell asleep for 5 hours I sat up and looked at the sunsetting it was beautiful I took some pictures of it the gravy my bag and took my phone out I had 107 texts and 25 missed calls I as about to call kai but my phone died and I started to walk home it was honestly peaceful and something I needed I just like the quiet this gave me time to think and it was kinda cold but it's fine I was almost home so I started running then I saw police in front of the house so I sprinted and I finally got to the door and opened it and walked in and sat my bag down and continued walking into the living room confused then I saw the police men and women and before I could see my friends I felt someone jump on me knocking me over I groaned bc it hurt then I turned to see who it was and I saw kai hugging me like a kola I smiled and hugged him back then he said something but I couldn't hear because he buried his head in my chest-
M: what baby
-he lifted his head and looked at me and he was crying I wiped his tears with my hands-
M: Kai what's going on
K: we couldn't find you I thought you were took or something I was scared
M:I'm so so sorry I fell asleep
K: where you weren't in the car or in any of your classes, are you ok, did you get hurt, are you sure no one took you, please say you are ok-
M: Kai I'm ok I fell asleep on the roof of school
K: oh
M: can we get off the floor
K: yes
Police: well is this your friend
A: yea sorry about that
Police: it's alright stay safe kids
-they left and all my friends ran over and hugged me and we ended up on the floor
Al: god Mattia you idiot I was so worried
Mar: yea your speak for everyone
R: how the hell do you calm asleep on the roof of a school for hours
M: I have no idea but you guys wanna get slurpies 
K: yay yay me me
M: ok let's go, oh leg me get changed first and kai you too I don't like what your wear
Ro: possessive much
M: shut up you can the boys ass enough people looked at it already today I don't need any more
-me and kai walked to our room and I started changing and he asked what he should wear and I threw him my sweatpants and a shirt he went to the bathroom and changed I was laying on our bed plugging my phone in then someone probably kai jumped on my back then licked my cheek and as I turned over bc I finished plugging it in-
M: Kai baby don't lick me like that it gets me horny-
-I finished turning and saw the rat Alvaro-
M: what the hell Alvaro
Al: ahahahahw ewww you are gross
M: don't just lick me and what are you doing
Al: oh we are all ready and kai is downstairs we are waiting for you
M: ok get off me and never lick me never
Al: well you obviously like it sooo
M: don't talk about this ever
Al: ok
-we walked downstairs and started walking towards 7/11 we all goofed off on the way once we got ther e we grabbed snacks and the slurpies then we left and kai made me carry him on the way back which I didn't mind tbh it was very light once we got home we sat out back and flees I them while eating our snacks and joking around I love times like these were there is no drama and we just have fun I know i say this a lot but having these moments with your friends is just so fun-

I AM SOOOOOO SORRY THAT I HAVENG UPDATED IN LITERAL AGES BUT BASICALLY I GOT IN ALOT OF TROUBLE AND I HAD TO DELETE WATTPAD IF YOU WANT ME TO TELL YOU MORE I WILL IM SORRY AND IM SURE ALOT OF PEOPLE REMOVED THIS FRIM THEIR LIBRARY BUT IF YOU DIDNT I LOVE YOU AND I LOVE EVERY ONE IF YOU THANKS FOR STICKING AROUND ❤️ again I feel so bad I'mso sorry I won't let it happen again and trust me I won't just leave this book hanging I'm gonna finish it but I'm also down with field hockey so I have more time now I love and appreciate you all

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