2 months

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3rd person POV
2 weeks later
-kairi and Mattia have been brutally tortured for two more weeks Jenna had tried to have sex with Mattia 3 more times but he managed to push her away each time she didn't seem to have any intent on stopping kairi had been distant and to Mattia lately only because what his dad said but Mattia didn't know mean while with the others they have gone to the police and they put out missing persons cases but nothing came up the boys were exhausted from looking and going door to door for the past three days some were losing hope but Samy and Ale decided to look up a anything related to Jenna since she just disappeared out of no where around two month's ago and that was about the time the robbers broke in Ale was looking and he saw something about a possible prison escape he was reading the article on his phone when he gasped at the person who escaped-
A: Samy Samy
S: what
A: k-k-
A: kairi's dad faked his death with our old teacher and escaped two months ago
S: oh shit and guess when jennas last tweet was, two months ago and it was "Paybacks a bitch now time for mine" (idk 😭)
A: imagine if they like tamed up and then took them
S: they fucking did idiot
A: omg where did they take them
S: the fuck should I know
A: ok let's tell the boys
S: yea
-Samy and Ale gathered the boys and lehani and told them what happened and that they now know something to help get them Samy called kairi's mom and Ale called Mattia's and Alvaro told the police and they told him they were going to look for places they would be all the boys were on edge about him escaping and how close they were to finding kairi and Mattia they were looking in abandoned warehouses and stuff but kairi and Mattia may not be able to see their families and friends ever agian because kairi's dad said he was going to be free of them very soon and they didn't know how soon he meant they both sat the the cold room they have grown used to both boys thinking of all the good times in life they had and Mattia regretted not dating kairi earlier in life he always kinda knew he was gay but didn't admit it but kairi was thinking that he maybe should have never dated because so much trauma had happened because of them dating and that maybe just maybe they weren't meant for each other both boys weren't expecting to get out alive or at all for that matter Mattia finally decided to speak up-
M: Kai
K: yea
M: I want you to know if I die-
K: tia you won't
M: but if I do
K: I know you won't
M: I don't think I will but just know I love you no matter anything you did or ever do I will always care and love you
K: I know and I will love you for forever
-meanwhile the boys got a call from the police saying they found a house in kairi's dads name it was about an hour and 45 minutes from the house so all the boys got ready but lehani and Alvaro stayed at the house and they set off to the house because the police said until they find more evidence they won't go and investigate so the boys stopped for food and the also got ammo for their glocks because they knew they might need them all the boys were hi had their phone had 911 on speed dial so if they need an ambulance or help they can get it they were still 1 hour and 20 minutes from the house-
A: alright guys so we know the plan
Mar: yea go get them and call the police to arrest kai's dad
A: yup
S: oh and if anything goes wrong we call them and the guns are only for self defense ok
Ro: what if they aren't there
H: I'm sure they are
R: but if they aren't what do we do then
H: I'm not sure
S: this is the only real lead we have got so we just have to hope they are there and alive
Ro: yea ok how much longer Ale
A: uhhh Like 1hr 5 minutes
Ro: ok
Mattia's POV
-I was sitting in the room talking to kai when we heard my door open I backed into the corner and the door finally opened all the way to reveal his dad who walked over to me and just smiled and caressed my cheek then walked away but didn't leave he sat in the doorway and sharpened his knife for like 20 minutes then he walked over to me and whispered this to me-
K/d: I hope you ready to have you boyfriend listen to you die
-he brushed the knife down my cheek and I flinched as the cold surface touched me and just casually he walked out of the room and laughed on the way out he was a legit psychopaths s he was sick and twisted we did not one thing to him and now he's going to kill me I was confused on why but then again he is crazy so what else would he do I just have to hope the boys are coming for us now or else we're in big trouble-
M: kairi
K: yea
M: I'm going to die
K: no no your not
M: I am
K: Mattia please don't say that
M: I know you don't want to think about it but if I do I want you to move on and have a great life with out me ok
K: I will n vet
M: ok please for me kai
K: but I won't let you die
M: it's not really up to you baby
K: he would not actually kill you
M: he just told me he was
K: oh
-me and kai talked about everything we wish we did and how much me missed they boys and how we would have spent our life together we talked for about 30 minutes and then he came back this time with a gun-
Alejandro's POV
-we were about 30 minutes from the house and I was so nervous I want my best friends back but a part of me thought they were already dead and that his dad killed them ages ago but I needed to have hope that they weren't the boys were getting antsy and I could tell they were scared as well we all talked and rev d the plan again and as we finished we pulled up to the house it was in the middle of the forest classic psycho hideout lair thingy whatever I took the j ya out of the ignition and looked back at the boys we all nodded and got out of the car I looked at the rather large house that I stood in front of it was abandoned and super creepy we all walked to the door and kicked it in then Samy and mar went upstairs for them Robby and Ro went downstairs and me and hector searched the main floor after looking in every room I found nothing nether did hector, Samy and mar walked downstairs shaking their head letting us know the weren't up there the I heard Ro yell for us we all ran down and looked for them we saw them under the stairs case looking at the floor I looked and there was a small trapdoor and there was a slight light shining up from it I whispered to Samy-
A: call 911
S: ight
-I slowly leaned down and lifted the trap door and there was a pair of narrow steps I looked at the boys and we slowly walked down and there was a long hallway I slowly walked down it then I heard crying but not just any it was kairi's so I sped up and once I got tot the end I turned the corner to see Jenna laughing her flat ass off and standing against the wall I put my finger on the trigger of my gun and walked over to her and pointed it to her head and wrapped my arm around her and pulled her around the corner and gave her to one of the boys the mar and Robby followed me around the corner again and I walked to the open door the see a horrifying sight I dropped to my knees and started crying-
Mattia's POV
20 minutes earlier
-kairi's dad walked in and over to me and crouched down to me as I was on the floor sitting up against the wall and inspected me and then he pulled his gun up and pointed at my chest then put his finger on the trigger-
M: Kai I love you and alwa-
Kairi's POV
-I heard someone walk into Mattia's room I heard his breathing hitch and the sound of a gun being pulled out the he started to tell me he loved me always but midway through saying it I heard a gunshot a-and then everything went s-silent

H-he was dead

The love of my life my soulmate was dead I didn't get to say goodbye I started sobbing uncontrollably and I curled up into a ball and cried I started yelling his name out of anger and I was banging on the door
K: let me outtt! I hate you I will kill you!
-I just heard silence and I slid down the door bringing my knees up and crying again-
3rd person POV
-as Ale dropped to the floor seeing his best friend with a gunshot in his chest laying on the floor with blood puddling him he soon felt a gun to his head and he didn't bother looking because he already knew it was the man himself he dropped his gun and put his hands up-
K/d: stand up
-Ale obeyed-
K/d: you two guns down
-he pointed to mar and robby the all walked out side of the room and he made mar and Robby get on their knees while he had Ale at gun point meanwhile around the corner with Samy, Ro, and Hector Roshaun was hold Jenna at gun point and Samy peeked around the corner and saw the situation and told the others we looked again and Ale saw him but he quickly moved his head so k/d wouldn't then he heard ale say something he knew was meant for him to do so he prepared himself-
A: I hope you get shot in the leg
-Samy quickly turned the corner and shot kairi's dad in the shoulder and he fell to the ground and he dropped his gun as he heard police sirens he heard kairi yell and he ran to the door and opened it and kairi fell into his arms as the police rushed down the steps the cuffed k/d and the doctors took Mattia up in a gurney all the other boys stood around in shook at the police took Jenna upstairs in cuffs with k/d the all grouped hugged and went upstairs once the got outside the saw k/d get out of the cuffs and try to juke the police and he was also say you can't catch me I am too fast and you can't see me man it was sad for them to see that bug their attention turned to kairi who was trying to force himself in the ambulance with Mattia Samy held him back and the drove off kairi fell into Samy's arms again and cried as all the police cars disappeared in the background of everything the boys all just looked at each other with sad eyes and they finally piled in the car and Alr drove them to the hospital and mar called Mattia's parents and kairi's to meet at the hospital once the boys got there they saw kairi's mom and sister and kairi ran into their arm and hugged them crying about ten minutes later Mattia's family got there and asked what happened and the boys told them what happened and then they all started to cry then all of the boys and parents took a seat and waited for the nurse to call Mattia's name-

So yea I was busy but I might spam bye luvs 🙊

Lovers: mairi Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon