Pre road trip

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Mattia's POV
-we are going on a road trip in three days as the last big thing we are gonna do before school starts again I was packing when I heard yelling I assumed that it was just the boy normally bickering so I just ignored it about 40 minutes later I finally finished packing my things and I got in the shower then changed I decided to fix something to rest because I'm hungry so I walked downstairs and heard yelling I picked up my pace and I see Alvaro and kairi arguing in the living room I rush over and pulled kairi back who was in Alvaro's face-
M: what the hell is going on why are you two arguing
K: well Alvaro here is saying that I'm a whore asking for attention  form other guys
Al: you fucking are his Dino ass is ugly
K: oh cause monkey boy is any better
A: hey!
M: he's not
K: exactly
Al: ok well then explain to me why you were hitting up Alex last week
Al: you weren't!
K: omg I'm not like the fuck bitch 
Al: what'd you call me
K: you heard me bitch
-Alvaro came near kairi then slapped him I gasped and then I saw Alvaro fall from kairi kicking him I then picked him up and carried him to our room and sat him on the bed and looked at him mad-
M: so kairi you hit up Alex
K: no!
-I gave him a death stare-
K: fine I did but it was because I got drunk
M: why
K: why what
M: why'd you get drunk
K: I was bored
M: ok well why are you and Alvaro fighting over this
K: well because last year he was talking to that kid Ryan
M: yea
K: well that never went out because one day Ryan asked to go on a date and I forgot in the moment that they were talking and I said yes and then we had like two other dates then we stopped talking and he just found the texts on my phone yesterday
M: oh
K: god I'm gonna pack alright
M: ok baby I'm taking a nap once your done don't fight with him
K: ok
        Kairi's POV
-I finally finished packing after about an hour then I jumped in the shower and after went downstairs to eat something I looked through the fridge and decided to make the ramen I bought the other day I got a pack out and boiled water then put the noodles in and after like ten minutes they looked done so I poured the water and noodles in my bowl then put the flavor stuff and mixed it in after I put the pot in the sink and walked to the dining table and sat down and started eating then Alvaro came down and gave me a dirty look the walked out back I just brushed it off and after I was done eating i decided to go sit on the roof because it was a nice day I slipped on a pair of shoes and walked to the ladder and climbed up and saw Alvaro crying up there I walked over and he turned around and rolled his eyes-
K: uh hey
Al: omg go away I get hoe everyone wants you not me your better ok leave me alone
K: oh that's-
K: oh uh ok
-I climbed down the ladder and went inside and in to the basement and just laid on the couch thinking about what happened and ended up playing some cod then made everybody dinner and after we all ate I stayed downstairs with a few people and we watched white chicks then just slept there-

I'm so sorry fo not posting a chapter in 5 days but I couldn't think of what to write the someone commented an idea (this idea) and I liked it but I couldn't think what to make then fight over so I re write this like five times sorry but I'll try and spam or write a few long chapters later love you all❤️

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