Ch. 17

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*Elena's POV*

When I got home I dropped my purse on the table and plopped down on the couch. It felt like a weight had been lifted since I told my family. I rubbed my belly and shook my head. "I'm sorry I'm bringing you into such a shitty situation, baby."

I pulled my phone out and dialed Austin's number. It rang a few times until he picked up.

"Hello?" He mumbled.

"Hey, did I catch you at a bad time?" I said.

"No, sorry, I was trying to zip my pants up." He said.

I chuckled. "Oh okay."

"So how did today go?"

I crossed my legs and relaxed my body, falling back into the plump cushions. "Good. They knew before I even told them."

He laughed. "Parents know everything."

I rubbed my belly. "I know. It pisses me off."

Austin started talking about something, but I was only half listening. I was debating on telling him how I felt.

"Elena?" He said.

I snapped back to reality. "Huh?"

"Could I?"

"Could you what?"

He chuckled. "Could I come over?"

I felt butterflies. "Yeah. That's fine."

"Okay. I'll leave here in like 10 minutes then. I'll bring some ice cream and movies." He said.

"Okay. See you in a few." I said.

"See ya." He said, hanging up.

*Austin's POV*

After two empty cartons of ice cream and 3 movies later, we laid in her bed. She laid on her back, wearing only a sports bra and yoga pants. One hand rested on her belly, the other rested by her head. I laid on my side, the tip of my finger tracing shapes on her belly.

"So this is gonna sound weird but I don't even care." She said crossing her leg over the other. "I'm so fucking horny all the God damn time and it's so annoying."

I laughed. "Really?"

She smiled and laughed. "Yes."

I rolled over and laid on my back. "Why is it annoying?"

She sat up and leaned against the headboard. "Because it's all the time. A girl can only masturbate so much."

I looked at her, trying not to smile. "You masturbate?"

She looked at me like it was the dumbest question someone could ask. "Duh."

I sat up and propped myself on my elbow. "I thought girls didn't like doing that stuff when they were pregnant?"

She shrugged and smiled. "I like it. My doctor said sex was good for the baby, so why not?"

I smiled. "Are you implying something?"

She smiled bigger and looked away. "Take it however you want."

I was already hard. I touched her thigh, then pulled away. "Is this gonna complicate things?"

She looked at me. "We're just two friends having a baby together. Why would it complicate things?" She said. She shrugged. "Unless you have deeper feelings?" Her eyes searched mine.

I panicked. I couldn't tell her how I felt. That would definitely complicate things. I shook my head. "Just two friends."

She looked at me for a minute, then looked away and frowned. "Maybe it would make things weird. I mean, look where sex got us the last time."

I chuckled. "Well, you're already pregnant. What else could happen?"

She smiled and looked at me. "No sex. No complications."

I nodded and smiled. "Fine."

She smiled bigger and put her hand on her belly. "What do you want? Like sex wise."

I shrugged. "I don't know. Blowjobs are nice."

She laughed hard and shook her head. "Not that sex. Gender."

I laughed and put my hand over her hand. "Oh. That sex." I shrugged. "I kinda want a boy."

She looked at me and smiled. "I want a girl."

I smiled at her and then looked down at her belly, rubbing it. "I just can't wait to meet our baby."

I felt Elena's fingers stroke my hair. I looked up at her and she smiled at me. Her eyes sparkled but there was something different in them. Love, passion, beauty. Then she blushed and looked away, looking at the tv.

"I'm gonna grab a snack." I said, getting up and covering her up with the blanket.

"Okay." She said softly, looking at me.

I took a few steps away and I heard her move. I looked at her. She sat up and looked at me. "Are you staying the night?"

I smiled and nodded. "If you want me to."

She smiled. "I want you to."

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