Ch. 30

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*Austin's POV*
*five years later*

"Daddy! Look!" Dani said, showing me her coloring book. "I stayed in the lines."

I smiled at her. Her long brown hair was a mess, the flower Elena had put in it earlier was crushed. "Good job, baby. You're gonna be an artist just like Uncle William."

She smiled and ran off, almost running into Elena who had just walked out of the hallway, a laundry basket balanced on her hip. "Careful, Danielle."

"Sorry, Mommy!" Dani said, running down the hall.

I stood up and took the basket from Elena. "No heavy lifting, baby."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm already carrying around a baby. A basket full of a five year olds clothes isn't gonna change anything." She rested her hand on her 9 month pregnant belly.

I smiled and put my hand on her belly. "Hey. The doctor said no heavy lifting."

She shook her head. "I gotta pee." She turned and walked towards the bathroom. "Your son is killing my bladder, Austin!" She went into the bathroom. "Dani! Get your turtle out of the sink."

I chuckled and took the laundry to the wash room. I started a load and when I went back to the bedrooms I stopped my our room. Elena sat on the bed, Dani next to her. Dani had her ear to Elena's belly.

"What's his name, Mommy?" Dani asked.

Elena smiled. "He doesn't have a name yet."

Dani sat up and frowned. I smiled. She had her Mommy's frown. "Mommy that doesn't make any sense."

Elena chuckled. "How so?"

Dani put her hand on Elena's belly. "Because. He has a soul. So he has to have a name."

Elena stroked Dani's hair. "You're so smart, baby."

Dani smiled and leaned into her. "Mommy. We have to name my brother. If he has a soul then his soul needs a name."

Elena glanced up and spotted me, smiling at me. "Well, Dani, what do you think we should name him?"

Dani thought for second, her tiny hand moving around Elena's belly. "Hmm. How about Elijah?"

Elena looked surprised. "Elijah? I love that. Where'd you hear that name?"

Dani shrugged. "I don't know. But it's a nice name." She put her ear up to Elena's belly. Then she smiled and nodded. "He likes Mommy. That's why he's moving so much. He's dancing."

Elena looked up at me and smiled. I came over to her and kneeled down in front of them. Dani smiled and rested her chubby hand on my cheek. "Hi, Daddy."

I smiled. "Hi, Danielle."

Elena held my hand. "What do you think, baby? Elijah Carlile?"

I smiled bigger and nodded. "I love it."

Dani smiled and leaned into Elena. "When can I see him?"

Elena rubbed her belly. "Soon, baby."

Dani looked at me. "When he comes home are you gonna be happy?"

I nodded. "I'll be very happy."

"Were you happy when I came home?" She asked.

I smiled. "Of course. When Mommy woke me up and told me it was time for you to come, I couldn't stop smiling."

Dani smiled and looked at Elena. "Can you make him come early?"

She shook her head. "No. It's up to him. He'll come when he's ready to be home."

Dani frowned and then leaned towards Elena's belly, cupping her mouth. She whispered, "Eli, it's Dani. I'm your big sister and I would love it if you came home tonight. I wanna meet you and give you presents. I love you, Eli." Then she sat up and kissed Elena, then kissed me, jumping off the bed and running off.

I got up and sat next to her. "She's amazing." I said.

Elena laid back. "She gets it from her Daddy."

I laid back and held her hand. "You feel like he's gonna come tonight?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I kinda feel like I might be in labor but I'm not sure." She looked at me.

I squeezed her hand. "Maybe Dani persuaded him."

She smiled. "Yeah right."

"Mommy!" Dani called from her room.

Elena sighed. "There's no way I'm getting up my myself."

I chuckled and stood up, pulling her up. She groaned and pulled her shirt down, wobbling away.

I sat down on the bed, taking my watch off. "If you don't think he's coming tonight I'm gonna try to get some sleep." I said.

"Sounds good, baby." She said, going into Dani's room.

I turned the light off and laid back, closing my eyes and relaxing. After a few minutes I felt myself drifting off to sleep.

"Austin!" Elena called.

I opened my eyes and groaned. "What, baby?" I closed my eyes.

"He's coming!" She said, her voice cracking.

My eyes flew open and I jumped out of bed, running to her. She stood in the middle of Dani's room, crouched over, her legs crossed and her face full of pain.

Dani sat in her bed, looking disgusted. "Mommy peed."

I chuckled and Elena smiled. "Mommy didn't pee, baby. Her water broke. That means your brother is coming." I went over to Elena and helped her stand up straight. "Guess that was labor, huh?"

She smiled and held my hand. "Let's go to the hospital."

I looked at Dani. "Go get your shoes and your bag, honey."

She jumped up and ran out of the room. "I'll get your bag too, Mommy!"

"Ready to have two kids, baby?" Elena said, laughing.

I smiled. "Come on, baby. I wanna meet my son."

*Elena's POV*
*9 hours later*

"He's beautiful." I said, looking down at our son.

Austin swatted at my hip and I scooted over. I cradled Elijah in my arms. He was sound asleep.

"He looks like you, El." Austin said, smiling.

The door clicked open and the nurse came in, Dani walking beside her. She looked nervous.

"She was getting antsy." The nurse said, smiling. "I'll leave you guys alone."

Dani stood by the door, her eyes on the baby.

"Come here, honey." Austi said, patting the space by my legs.

She came over slowly, her eyes never leaving the baby. Austin picked her up and say her between us.

Dani's eyes lit up when she looked at Eli's face. She looked at him like he was made of gold. Austin and I smiled at each other then looked back down at our children.

"Wanna hold him, Dani?" I asked.

She nodded. "Could I?"

I nodded and smiled. "Yes of course, baby."

She leaned up against Austin and I set Elijah in her lap. "Support his head, babe."

Austin slipped his hands under the baby and helped her hold her him. I watched them. Austin rocked our babies and whispered something to Dani. She giggled but never took her eyes off her baby brother. I leaned against Austin and held his hand. His kissed the top of my head and then kissed Dani.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I said, kissing him.

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