Ch. 22

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*Elena's POV*
*few months later (9months along)*

I sat in the rocking chair in the baby's room. Austin had just finished putting the last touches to her room and went to get something to eat. I looked around the ballet slipper pink room. It was flower themed. My hand instinctively went to my belly. The closer my due date approached the more nervous I got. I was afraid for her to come into this world. She was safe in my belly.

Austin came in with a mouth full of leftover chicken. "What's wrong?l

I shrugged. "I'm nervous." I looked at him. "I don't think I'm ready this."

He swallowed his food. "It's a little late for that, baby." He came and kneeled in front of me. "Why are you so nervous?"

I stroked his cheek. "This world is full of death. I don't want anything to happen to her."

He shook his head. "Nothing's gonna happen to her as long as I'm around." He held my hands. "You're going to be an amazing mom, El. I can see it in your eyes."

"I hope so." I said, rubbing my belly. "She's been moving a lot lately."

Austin smiled and put his hand on me. "She's getting anxious. She wants to meet Daddy."

I smiled and shook my head. "No. She wants to stay with Mommy forever."

He grinned. "She's totally gonna be a daddy's girl."

"If I have to push her out of my vagina then she better love me more." I said, smiling.

He stood up and pulled me up. He was strong he barely struggled. "Let's go to bed, baby. God knows we need all the rest we can get."

We walked to his room and Austin helped me out of my pants. "I'm just gonna sleep in this shirt tonight." I said, climbing into bed.

He nodded and crawled in next to me, wrapping his arm around my hips and resting his head on my chest. He looked unbelievably uncomfortable but I knew he loved being close to the baby.

We slowly drifted off to sleep together. Around two A.M. I woke up to sharp pains.

I sat up and moved my legs, noticing the bed was soaked. I gasped and smacked Austin in chest.

He woke, startled. "What?" He mumbled.

I felt my panties. They were soaked too. "Baby, my water broke."

Austin jumped up faster than I've ever seen anyone move. He ran across the room and grabbed the bag, scrambling around the room.

"Austin, relax. Help me up." I said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. As he did I felt more sharp pains.

He helped me into a pair of sweatpants and I noticed he had never changed out of his jeans and t-shirt.

He held my hand and we walked to the front door. He squeezed my hand. "Ready, baby?"

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