"Perrie's hot..."

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Some language. That's it:)

It's very cute and wholesome, on the whole. Different from most of the stuff I've written lately💫

totally and completely unedited, cause I wrote it in about 90 mins time tonight while I was flipping channels and I wanna post it now. We're just going for it✨


Fuck, Perrie's hot.

"What?" Leigh asks way too loudly, right in Jesy's ear.

"Huh?" Jesy responds, wondering what Leigh's getting at.

"What did you say?" Leigh asks, still looking shocked.

"I didn't say anything!" Jesy says, unaware of her accidental utterance.

"Yes, you did," Leigh insists, looking increasingly worried. "You said Perrie was... hot."

"She is hot, Leigh," Jade pipes up from Jesy's other side. Her tone is easygoing, but the look she gives Jesy lets her know that Jade knows exactly what's up. "We're all hot. It's kind of our thing, remember?"

"Yeah, I guess," Leigh says, not looking 100% convinced, but clearly eased by Jade's words. "Do you guys say I'm hot when I'm having fittings?"

"Oh, all the time," Jade says with a cheeky grin. "Do you not say we're hot? I'm a little hurt, if I'm honest."

"Not really. I mean, of course I think you're gorgeous!" Leigh insists. "I just... I don't know, I just don't think about it. I'm more focused on your clothes."

"Well, half of what makes a piece of clothing good is how you look in it," Jade says.

"You're right," Leigh says, shaking her head. "Sorry, I just- I don't know. Been spending too much time on tumblr, I think."

Jade laughs. "Ah, that'll do it. Get you thinking all sorts of crazy things. Innit, Jes?"

"For sure," I say with a convincing smile.

We chat and check our phones intermittently for the next few minutes before I beg off to the bathroom.

"I'll go with you," Jade says. "I've needed a wee since lunch."

"I'm gonna stay here," Leigh says. "I'm up right after Perrie."

Jade and Jesy nod at her before making their way down the corridor, to the bathrooms.

They both use the bathroom and wash their hands. Jesy goes for the door, thinking maybe Jade's decided to leave it for now, when she feels Jade's hand on her arm, gentle but firm.

"Jes," Jade says as soon as Jesy looks up at her.

Jesy nods, not trusting herself to speak right now. She's known for being outspoken, for always standing up for what she believes in, but on this particular issue, she's long been frightened into silence.

"I don't wanna make you tell me something before you're ready to," Jade says kindly, giving Jesy a small smile. "But I want you to know that, if there is something you need to tell me, I'm ready to listen and give you hugs and tell you how proud I am of you, okay?"

Jesy nods, realizing that, if there's anyone she's ready to come out to, it's Jade. Jade, who she always figured would be quite supportive anyway. Jade, who's basically just told her that she knows, but that she can pretend she doesn't if Jesy isn't ready.

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