she comforts you (requested)

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Madison knows something isn't right with you.

She's known for the last couple of days. She can see that something is bothering you but you never seem to wanna talk about it.

She'd usually give you space, never push you into talking about it. But it seems to be getting worse and she's only growing more and more worried. She was determined to get you to open up about whatever it is that's bothering you.

You were curled up on the couch together. Like you've been lately, you seemed unusually quiet. Your shoulders seemed tense, as though something heavy has been weighing them down. She slowly wrapped her arms around your shoulders, pulling you closer against her.

The movie slowly started to fade out as Madison began to kiss your neck. She heard the soft sigh fall from your lips and she knew she had your attention. "Baby?"

You hummed.

"You know you can tell me anything, right?"

You inhaled sharply at her words, but you tried to brush off the lingering thoughts about her possible suspicions. "I know."

"Then why won't you open up to me?"

You pulled away, the once intimate moment now gone and the once loving feeling that caused your heart to flutter had been replaced by a certain sadness.

"I know something's wrong, y/n. I know you like the back of my hand, I can tell when something is bothering you. I'm worried about you. You've been so... closed off lately. You just haven't been yourself."

You had gone quiet. You were beginning to toy with the sleeves of the strings of your hoodie out of nervousness. You didn't wanna tell her but you hate hiding things from her at the same time.

She softly kissed your neck again. "You know I'll never judge you. I care about you and love you more than you could ever know and I'm just worried about you, baby. I wanna help you but I can't if you won't open up to me."

Between the affection and safety she was providing you and the emotions you've been bottling up that would eventually start to spill out, you felt the first tear fall. You sniffled and lowered your head as you started to cry. Madison instinctively wrapped you in her arms, her hand moving along your back soothingly.

"Talk to me. I'm here to listen. I'm right here, y/n."

You leaned your head back on her shoulder as your emotions poured out.

"It's just everything. I'm really stressed out and some days it feels like the entire world is against me. I feel like I can barely breathe. I feel like I'm not perfect, and I know I'm not, but sometimes I feel like some people expect me to be perfect. I'm just... I'm so tired of everything."

Madison's heart broke as she listened to you cry. The sound was devastating, absolutely crushing. She understands how you feel with the pressure to be perfect; she's felt that way for the longest time. But she only wished you could see that in her eyes, you were perfect just the way you were.

"I'm sorry you're hurting," she whispered, kissing your neck again. "But you have to know something; even when it feels like the entire world is against you, know that I'm still on your side. You have me. You'll always have me. When you feel like you can't do it anymore, that's what I'm here for. You can always come to me and I'll always try my best to make things better, even if it's just by holding you here and listening to you vent."

You turned to face her, allowing her to wipe away the tears falling down your cheeks. "And, no matter what people say, you're perfect as you are and that'll never change in my eyes."

You cracked a small smile and leaned your forehead onto hers. "Thank you for all of that. I really needed to hear it."

She smiled at you then placed a lingering kiss against your forehead. "It's what I'm here for. I'm here for you, always."

You felt the weight lift from your shoulders. As she held you there in her arms, you knew everything was gonna be okay. Even if the whole world was against you, you'd always be okay, as long as you had Madison. She was all you ever really needed.

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