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"you should let me paint your nails."

"absofuckinglutely not."

jodi glared at the blonde boy before turning to schlatt.

"schlatt can i paint your nails?"

there was a thud from schlatt's hand hitting the islands surface, his other hand occupied on his phone.

jodi smiled and dipped the brush back into the colored liquid before gently picking his hand up and putting the purple polish on his nail.

"what the fuck?" cooper muttered, seeing his friend oblige with no words exchanged.
"how did you get him to agree so fast?"

"you do anything when you need your four year old screaming sister to shut up." schlatt answered, eyes still attached to his phone.

"but she's not four anymore."

"no but she still screams."

cooper looked over at jodi who smiled innocently at him.

"doesn't it burn though?" cooper asked, still curious.

"no?" jodi answered, looking at him with a raised brow.
"why would it burn?"

he shrugged.
"it smells like it would burn."

"well it doesn't." she giggled and tapped schlatt's other hand to get started on it.
"don't you have a sister? you don't know that nail polish doesn't burn? or did she tell you it burned so you wouldn't touch it?"

"now that i'm thinking about it, she probably told me it burned so i wouldn't touch it."

schlatt laughed at him and patted him on the shoulder.
"you're so stupid."

"how was i supposed to know?!" he screeched.

"can i paint your nails?" jodi asked again, taking a bit of nail polish off of her brothers finger.

cooper watched her swipe the brush on his friends nail before shrugging.
"why not?"

"fuck yeah." she closed the bottle. "i'm done, thank you brother."

"can you get me a rice crispy? my nails are wet." schlatt had his fingers spread out.
"can you put my phone in my pants pocket too?"

jodi stood on her tippy toes to reach the blue packaged treat in the panty.

"now cooper, this is all fun and cute now but do not let her convince you to put on a fucking face mask. trust me, it only goes downhill from there."

jodi put the rice crispy to his mouth, letting him bite the blue plastic to hold it, and put his phone in his back pocket.

"have a nice day!" she waved to her brother.
he mumbled a "you too" and went upstairs to ask noah to open his rice crispy treat.

"what the fuck is happening right now?" cooper shook his head, confused.

"okay let me look at your nails." she brought his nails to her eyes and observed them, seeing the hangnails and jagged edges.
"those cuticles thick boy."

"i don't know what that means."

she laughed and put his hand back down on the island.
"it means i'm gonna have to do some filing and soaking."

take your time | c s c o o pDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora