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"joe." a hushed voice crooned out.
going unnoticed by the sleeping girl, the hushed voice repeated itself, slightly louder this time.


she squirmed from her unconventional sleeping position and slowly opened her previously resting eyes. jodi blinked repeatedly, trying to fix her disordered vision.

cooper giggled and reached his hand out to her.

"i'm going skating, do you wanna come?"

jodi roughly rubbed her eyes with the palms of her hand before gently grabbing coopers awaiting hand.
he smiled and pulled her from his bed and onto her feet.

jodi still had no idea what time it was, only having the fact that coopers stream was over and the significantly darker sky to go off of.

cooper turned his phones flashlight onto the brightest setting and walked carefully down the stairs with jodi's hand still in his. no one was in the living room leaving jodi to believe everyone else was asleep since she also saw no light peeking from anyone's door.

"what time is it?" she asked knowing it had to be pretty late for everyone to actually be asleep at the same time.
only now was she realizing her cellphone that she left on the boys desk but decided against mentioning it, not wanting to be ridded of the blondes warm hand.

cooper didn't answer as they both put on their shoes that were waiting for them at the front-door, smirking as he grabbed her hand again and walked out the house and into his car.

once jodi saw the fluorescent numbers on coopers radio, her eyebrows shot to her hairline.

"cooper, it's almost 4 in the morning." she pointed out.

"yeah, i know." he said.

she rolled her eyes at his smug expression.
"have you even slept yet."

instead of answering, he hit shuffle on his phone and looked behind him as he pulled out the garage.

jodi raised her brow at the song that began to play.
"if this isn't the one with kendrick lamar, turn this shit off."

cooper snorted to himself before eyeing the title that went across the radio.
"don't worry, it is."

she pointed her finger out to nothing as she sung with the song.

"i get those goosebumps every time, you come around, yeah, you ease my mind, you make everything feel fine." she screamed.

"why, thank you." cooper appreciated the words that were nowhere near meant for him.

"fuck off bitch, i get those goosebumps every time i need that heimlich." jodi continued making cooper giggle.

the blonde rolled down the windows beside him and the singing girl and she grinned as she felt the cool air slap against her warm face.

they cruised down the empty backstreets of california with the bright stars twinkling in their joyful eyes. cooper chuckled to himself at the thought of the people resting in their quiet homes hearing the screaming girl next to him.

meanwhile the girl viscously rolled her tongue, mimicking a gun with her hand.

cooper took the the upcoming red light as an advantage to watch the entertaining girl flail her arms and hair around as she sung.

"i wanna press my like, yeah, i wanna press my-" she nasally mimics.

cooper tiredly looked up at the dark sky. "oh god."

jodi yelled quickly with the song before putting her fingers gently on her ear as she scrunched her face up.
"put the pussy on a pedestal, put the pussy on a high horse. that pussy to die for, that pussy to die for!"

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