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it had been a few since the group had gotten home.
jodi's first task being to quickly put her insanely amount of reese's pieces into the freezer, packing it with the bright orange packages.

she had threw the rest of her candy onto her bed, anticipating the joy she'd experience when she actually ate them. she joined the bag on her bed after she changed into a pair of actual jogging pants, swapping out the shorter version she previously had on.

jodi took this time to herself to go through her emails, text messages and some social media apps since notifications started to unintentionally rack up.

just as she was preparing to turn her phone off, it emitted a sharp ding.

come be a guest on my stream thotty

she rolled her eyes at the nickname but nonetheless got up from her bed and treaded up the stairs. she went into the giggling boys room and as soon as she got close enough, she thumped him in the back of his head.

cooper quickly rubbed at the spot she plucked and yelled.
"what the fuck?!"

jodi rolled the empty chair closer to the desk before sitting down.

"that's for calling me a thot you whore."
she reached over cooper as she picked at the half eaten muffin in his desk.

coopers eyes flickered from her hand and back to his screen.
"that an edible." he warned.

"even better." she dropped a few more pieces her mouth before looking at chat.
"hello local incels." she greeted. "'cooper is so mean to jodi' i know right."

coopers mouth dropped in astonishment, rapidly shaking his head.
"you have to be new here or you're fucking trolling."

jodi giggled before reaching over him and picking up the rest of the muffin that remained on his desk.

"that shit's strong as hell." he warned again.

"thanks for telling me after i finished eating it." she mumbled sarcastically with her mouth still full.
"you're welcome."

after she crumbled the muffin carrier and threw it into the trash pal from across the room, she finally gave her attention to the game cooper was playing.
she could barely control her eyes from rolling sassily.

"minecraft? again?" jodi asked, unimpressed.

cooper raised a brow.
"what do you mean again? i haven't played this in like a week."

"yeah right, you played this like two days ago." she falsely stated.

"are you on crack bro? plus, this won the poll so stop sucking me."

jodi's mouth dropped as she rose her fist and aggressively connected it with his shoulder. he groaned out in pain but giggled simultaneously.

"don't act different because you're streaming asswipe." she shimmied to the left, putting more space between her and cooper.

"i'm gonna start calling you one punch man, jesus christ." cooper rubbed his arm.

he looked over once he didn't get a response and giggled again at jodi's unamused face. her arms were crossed over her chest as she flatly blinked at him.

"i'm sorry."
his apology was obviously disingenuous since he once again laughed afterwards.

"no you're not." jodi mumbled.
"of course i am."

"then say it without giggling." her face still unamused.

"i'm sor-" cooper cut himself off as he let out a laugh, causing jodi to stand up and start to walk away.

cooper reached out and grabbed her lingering hand, pulling her back and repeatedly kissing the back of her hand.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sor-"

"okay!" jodi laughed, cheeks beginning to warm rapidly.
her stomach erupted with fluttering butterflies as she sat back down.
"now my fucking hand has HIV."

cooper grabbed the arm of her chair to pull her closer than she originally was.

"do your lips want some too? because i can definitely deliver." he smirked.

jodi felt like she was about to implode.
"cooper!" she gasped.

he threw his head back as he laughed loudly at the blushing girl.

"i didn't hear a no." he pressed.

"cooper, get away from me."

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