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"i wish you wouldn't."

noah ignored the request, continuing to put his hand in front of jodis eyes and quickly removing it before repeating the same motion.

she chewed at the sour licorice as she swiftly tapped at the black bars that appeared on her screen, almost as if noah's hand wasn't occasionally blocking the majority of her vision.

although he didn't affect her gameplay, it was still quite aggravating to experience.

"just mess up and i'll stop."
jodi ignored him.

"come on." he taunted.

"don't scream when i bite you." she ominously warned.

noah's hand retired from jodis eyes and to his side before he sat down in the empty one seater.
jodi had a content quirk in her smile and once again became engrossed with the game.

"did you teach her that?" noah asked schlatt who sat across from him in a single seater as well.

"did i teach her what?" he looked up from his phone.
noah took a swig of his drink before finishing his question.

"to be so creepy."
schlatt glanced at his sister who was laying across the couch as her fingernails loudly ricocheted off the screen.

"no, she came like that."
noah nodded to himself as he took another swig.

"i hate when you guys talk about me like i'm not here." jodi announced.
"did you hear something?" her brother pushed.

"murder is something I will commit." she mumbled to herself.

"can you give me another one?"
jodi inadvertently asked her brother who had been occasionally dangling a new rope of candy over her awaiting mouth since her hands were occupied.

she chomped down on the dangling piece of candy, getting ready to thank schlatt before a familiar figure walked from behind her and proceeded to lift her resting legs up from the cushions and onto their lap as they sat down.

only averting her attention for what felt like less than a millisecond, jodi quickly looked back down at her phone to see the tile she had just missed.

schlatt, being the only one to notice the ending to the fingernail tapping, glanced at jodi and didn't try muster the smirk that appeared on his face.
because, of course it would be cooper to unintentionally distract her from the one thing she seemed to never lose focus of.

jodis eyes flickered between cooper and schlatt.
one, trying to figure out who the hell gave her the candy and two, did schlatt notice her loss?

however, schlatt's eyes dropped back down to his phone right before his sisters gaze had caught his.

she sighed and exited the game, not feeling like starting a new round after ending such a long one.

jodi found herself looking past her phone and at the blonde who now sat in front of her.
they had yet to talk about the night before which bothered her more than she would like to admit.

she didn't even know what they would say. when
they got into his car, the kiss wasn't even remotely mentioned. instead they spoke about everything but, like how jodi had yet to learn the trick she asked him to teach her.

jodi could feel her face heating up as she thought about last night.
it took her a while to actually fall asleep when they got home, unable to stop the kiss from replaying in her mind.

after the veil of bliss dismissed itself, all the worrying aspects of what happened hit her like a truck.
that veil left this morning, once she thought about it and had a complete different outlook than she did a few hours before.

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