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after laying in bed for almost two hours, jodi got out of bed and finally did her morning regimen, ending it with throwing on one of schlatt's merchandised sweatshirts and a random pair of graphic shorts.

she put her phone in her pocket after quickly responding to madi, and grabbed some blankets from her bed and made her way to the empty living room where she sat, buried beneath said blankets.

before she got too comfortable she reached forward and grabbed the remote, turning the television on to cartoon network.

it was only but so much time jodi had to herself before she heard a group of laughter coming from upstairs. jodi glanced at the group of boys coming out of the office together, eventually venturing out into their own directions, schlatt being the only one to go down the case of stairs.

they had a virtual meeting that was scheduled for LunchClub earlier this morning and she was almost 100% sure that schlatt barely got 2 hours of sleep in before hopping on the call.

the exhausted boy grunted as he hit the seat beneath him, letting his head fall on his sisters shoulder.
jodi looked down and furrowed her eyebrows when she took notice of how dark her brothers eye bags had gotten.
she kept her concern to herself and averted her attention back to the television until the loud commercials came on.

jodi turned the tv down a little before looking at her brother again.

"hi." she said quietly and got another grunt as a response.

"did you sleep last night?"
she wasn't surprised when he shook his head and blindly reached for her phone to find out the time. the frown on her face deepened once she read the white numbers on her phone screen.

"when was the last time you slept then?"

schlatt groaned before mumbling his answer.
"2 and a half days ago."

the way her eyes popped out of her head would've been comical if not the situation. it took everything out of her to not wrap her hands around his neck and strangle him.

"literally, how?"

he shrugged before she took one of the blankets from her nest and started to wrap it around him as if it was her second nature.
"we're literally on vacation, why are you not resting?"

jodi was no stranger to schlatt pulling all nighters, having seen him work until his brain might as well had been mush, but they soon became "all dayers" when he started making consistent content.

she was sure his body craved the sleep it so desperately needed, taking in his red tired eyes and sloppy posture.

"i just didn't end up sleeping one night and then the next night i stayed up for the whole night without realizing it and just ended up staying up for day, but then noah and i had a movie marathon last night and it lasted so long that i just stayed up for the meeting."

jodi wrapped the remainder of the blanket around her brothers mouth, using fake force as she wiggled him around.
"why the fuck do you do that?"

"i think the more important question is why i am being smothered right now?" it came out muffled but jodi still comprehended his dumb question.

she stopped and dropped the remainder of the blanket.

"how the fuck do you just stay up for almost three days straight? you're gonna start hallucinating."

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