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the sun had gone down and the birds were done chirping for the day, switching shifts with the purring cicadas. the moon watched over the two who had less space between each other than they did when they first slept.

a sharp breeze had previously made itself known, resulting in the chilly dreamers sharing the same comforter.
jodi remained with her back facing the shaggy haired boy, but was accompanied with an arm around her waist.

the constant changing of positions while they slept showed his arm wasn't intentional placed there but it unknowingly made the girl even more comfortable.

however, her comfort didn't last much longer once her cell phone's ringtone echoed throughout the dark room.

jodi slapped around the bed for her ringing phone and squinted at the contact name, cursing under breath she saw it was madi, remembering the promise she didn't keep.

she clicked the green icon and reached over to turn on the lamp.

"hi babygirl!" madi squealed.

"hi baby!" jodi squealed back with as much energy as she could muster with just waking up.

"why the-" madi's pixilated fist connected with the camera. "fuck did you not call me."

jodi giggled before stretching her arms out, unknowingly giving madi a view of the sleeping boy behind her.

"i got caught up babysitting these children and-"

"jodi, not to cut you off, but who's body is behind you right now?" she interrupted.

jodis eyebrows furrowed before connecting the dots.

she also had realized the lack of space between them and the arm around her waist. she paused, not knowing what to think or do. what she did know is that she didn't want to hinder him from getting as much sleep as he could get.

"it's cooper."

madi's eyes widened and she brought the microphone of her phone closer to her mouth before curiously whispering,
"you slept with cooper?"

the wild haired girl slapped her hand over her mouth to keep herself from laughing but more so from screaming. madi didn't hold back though, bending over from laughing too hard.

"no i didn't fucking sleep with cooper."
jodi grumbled after containing herself, her racing mind going back to the comforting hand around her waist.

"then why is your hair all crazy?" her giggling friend continues to tease.

"i was breakdancing."

"more like doing the devils tango." madi pushed.

"i will hang up." jodi threatened.

"you'll be a terrible friend then. you already didn't call me after you promised you would and then you're gonna hang up on me when we finally talk hours later."

jodi stared blankly at her friend who had a smug smile on her face.

"i was babysitting these insomnia induced morons and ended up falling asleep with them but now it's almost like 2 in the morning."

"bro same shit with me, ted's been doing research for his next video but, he was getting frustrated so i made him come take a nap with me but now it's 5am and he's still sleeping."

"why are you up at 5 a.m?"

"i'm going to breakfast with my manager today but i kind of wanna shave my entire body before i go so i'm giving myself extra time."

"why don't you just wax?"

madi rolled her eyes.
"i think you just want me to suffer at this point."

take your time | c s c o o pOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora