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jodi woke up to an empty bed and a pounding headache, hands immediately shooting up to hold her forehead.

"oh fuck me." she groaned to herself.

she tried to sit up only to fail and drop back down onto the pillow behind her. her head felt like it gained an extra 100 pounds, making her curse herself for having that extra white claw.

jodi glanced to bedside table, looking for her phone but was distracted by the two white pills and the glass of water that she saw.

she quickly swiped the two pills and downed the water as fast as she could. the cool water on her tastebuds felt heavenly, having her wish it was an endless glass.

once she finished and put the glass back on the table, she took notice of the missing skateboard that usually leaned against the wall beside coopers closet.

she connected the dots of the missing boy and ran her fingers through her messy hair, still searching for her phone.

coincidentally, she heard a sharp 'ding'.
cringing at the volume, her eyes followed the sound until she saw her phone on coopers desk.

the brown haired girl groaned knowing she would have to get up soon even though she felt like a living bobble head.

sucking it up, she pulled the blankets off of her body and threw her legs over the bed, eyes shut trying not to give into the black dots that filled her vision.

she wobbled to the desk, almost zombie-like.

taking the phone off the charger, she clicked on the numerous amount of messages that hid behind each other.

most were the boys asking if she was okay and if she was still alive.
she rolled her eyes at the dramatic boys and ignored the swelling in her heart at them being worried for her.

one message caught her eye, being from neither of the boys, but from madi.

dude, have you seen that video abt u and coop yet?

jodi's eyebrows furrowed, having no idea what she was talking about.

no..? should i be scared?

lmfao i don't think so

jodi's phone vibrated with the link to the video, snorting at the preview shown.


she thought back to when she told chat to make a compilation video of them but she was honestly joking.
should've known there would be someone who took it seriously.

oh god
i didn't think they would exactly do it


i'll watch it later

drink some coffee drunkie ;)

"how the fuck..." she mumbled to herself before closing her phone and dropped it in her sweatpants pocket. she wasn't sure how madi knew about last night but shrugged it off.

she left the room but not without taking a sweatshirt from coopers closet and throwing it on, putting the hoodie over her head and tying the jaw strings together.

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