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jodi sighed, rolling onto her stomach and clicking on another youtube video. she had woken up from her nap a few hours ago and ate the dinner travis had prepared for everyone.
everyone had retreated back to their own rooms, excluding noah who had went to spend a few nights with his girlfriend.

it had been a pretty calm day compared to previous ones, probably due to the confinement jodi had put herself in.

she had just gotten off facetime with madi and ted who had unconsciously gotten her mind off the topic she had been trying to ignore all day. the call held all laughs and smiles, ted being the unpredictable person he was and madi dynamically bantering with him.

jodi had slightly turned down her volume as joko screamed through her speakers, giggling nonetheless.

her giddiness, however, was quickly replaced with her heart dropping as she read the notification that bannered over the video.

you gonna keep avoiding me or what?

jodi faceplanted into her pillow and let out an aggravated groan.
she didn't think she could properly avoid someone she was in the same house with, but she also didn't think it would barely last a day.


she clicked out of the banner and continued the video with her heart pounding in her ears.
she couldn't enjoy the video nearly as much as she was before so she resulting in pausing it and giving it a like before she exited out of the app.


her heart skipped a beat as she stared at the notification before it retreated off her screen.

the flushed girl weighed out her options.
she could either continue to ignore her problems and have it be insanely awkward for the rest of her trip, or she could be a reasonable adult and actually talk to him.

even though she was a close second to saying "fuck it" and refusing to leave her room for the remainder of her stay, she chose the responsible option.

jodi threw one last tantrum before throwing the blankets off of her once relaxed body and placed her phone into the pockets of her baggy sweatpants.

opting out of turning on any lights, the brown haired girl felt her way through the darkness and carefully walked up the stairs.

she took one last deep breath before twisting the doorknob and entering coopers bright room.

he sat at his desk with a random browser tab on display.

jodi took a seat at the end of his bed and cooper finally spun around before wordlessly handing her a lit joint.

silence was the only thing that filled the room, other than the exhaling from the nervous girl.
cooper eventually looked up from his twiddling thumbs and at jodi

"do you regret it?" he calmly asked.

jodi felt her chest pang as she blew out the grey cloud.
her shoulders shrugged. "i don't think so."

coopers eyebrow twitched.
"you don't think so?"

she shook her head before taking another hit, praying that anxiety freeing effects would kick in any second now before her brain combusted.

"what makes you think you regret it?" he pushed, holding eye contact with her.

god, she really wished she stayed in her room.

one would think the smoke she was emitting was coming from the gears turning in her head, but would be greatly wrong.

all she could spew out was "my brother."

cooper blinked.
"your brother." he restated.

jodi nodded.
"i feel... guilty."

it didn't take long for cooper to connect the dots, nodding to himself.

"i mean, it's not like i proposed."

jodi snorted to herself before reaching over to coopers nightstand and putting the rest of the joint in his ashtray.

"yeah but still."

"i know." he said. "we don't have to tell anyone."

"wasn't planning on it." her response made him smirk.
"neither was i."

jodi stuck out her pinky finger with a childish grin and cooper stuck out his before standing to his feet with jodi doing the same.

the two wrapped their pinkies around each other's, eye contact never diverting.
as they both leaned in to kiss the side of their fist, cooper slowly pulled their connected hands down and jodi shared a bold smirk with him.

instead of their hands, their lips connected with both of their eyes lowering into a collective rest.

jodi finally felt herself calm down as their lips continued to move against each other, her head tilting to deepen the kiss.

it was almost comical how she went from setting her mind into overdrive for the entire day to contently doing what she was previously panicking about.

cooper felt addicted, her vanilla-like fragrance luring him in even more. her soft full lips against his felt like a dream that he never wanted to wake up from.

however, before they both passed out of suffocation, jodi slowly pulling away, having to finally unwrapped their hands to place a hand on coopers chest.

his lips were now shiny with her chapstick and his blue eyes wouldn't leave hers.
unlike before where she could only focus on his inviting lips, she was almost in a trance as she stared into the deep pools that were coopers intruding eyes.

"you're pretty." she said, dreamily.

cooper chuckled to himself before giving her one last peck.
"that's my line."

"yeah, but i'm using it right now."
jodi watched cooper quickly lean over his desk and click out of the remaining tabs before shutting his monitor down.

"you sleeping in here tonight?" he asked, praying she would say yes.

"don't think i couldn't." she admitted, making cooper basically gush as he swiftly wrapped his arms around her.

jodi giggled as cooper picked her up off of her feet and dropped her onto his bed before he turned off the light and rolled in, right next to her.

last time they were in this predicament, they made sure to have a fair amount of space between them before they inevitably woke up closer than they ever thought they'd be.

now, cooper kisses all over a giggling jodi and holds her close to his chest, as if someone were going to come and take her from him.

maybe that's how he felt.
he finally got to lay with the girl he had been pining over for months now and he'd be damned if someone would fuck that up.

once he finished kissing all over her scorching face, he nuzzled his neck into the crook of hers before saying.


jodi felt goosebumps rise on her neck as she felt coopers warm breath against her flushed skin.
you could basically hear the shit eating grin she had as she said,

"goodnight cooper."

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