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"cooper." jodi dragged out once she saw coopers figure pass his half opened door.

he halted, white garbage bag in hand, and raised a brow.

"can you bring me my reese's from the freezer?" she exaggerated a pout onto her lips.
the blonde rolled his eyes but complied nonetheless.

"how many?"

cooper snorted before continuing his walk, leaving jodi to drop her head back onto the comforting pillow.

the comfort didn't last long before her head jolted back up at the creaking sound of the door opening.

"are you okay?" she heard travis's soft voice.

jodi was gonna reply with a nonchalant answer, since this is quite the norm for whenever she drank, but once she saw the curly headed boys face screwed up with worry, she rethought her response.

"i'm 100% okay, travis." giving him a crooked smile.

still wary, he asked "are you sure?"

not being able to hide her soft reaction to the worried boy, she scooted to the end of the bed and held her arms out, proposing a hug.
travis waddled into her warm hold.

"i promise." she solidified her statement with a tight squeeze, making the boy giggle.

they barely acknowledged coopers entrance until they both felt an impact hit their connected bodies. both glanced down at the orange bag of candy before meeting coopers eyes.

jodis eyes lit up as she let go of travis and grabbed at the package, ripping it open.

travis let out another giggle before exiting coopers room, receiving a ruffle of his hair from the blonde before he left.

the blondes eyes finally landed to jodi, who seemed to be struggling with the plastic in her hands.

"need help?"

when he didn't receive a response, he walked towards her anyway and reached for the candy before easily tearing it open and placing the chocolate cup into the palm of her hand.

coopers lips perked up as he watched jodi's eyes light up with happiness before she bit into the treat.

"you good bro?" he teasingly asked.

"absolutely trashed." she mumbled out before waving him off since the muffled voices coming from his headset were becoming more apparent to her.

cooper went back to his desk with one last glance at jodi and put his headset back on, making sure to leave one ear free.

"i'm back homo sapiens." he announced over the chaos.

"oh shit he's back."


"is she alright dude?" mason asked.

cooper chuckled. "yeah, the dumbass is fine."

"see, i told you." schlatt confined.

"shut up, you didn't even go check on her." logan argued.

"because! she gets all clingy and touchy when she's drunk and i absolutely want no part in that." he fought, making cooper glance at her only to let out a chuckle when he saw a pillow in the death grip of her arms.

"still, she's your sister." swagger instigated.

"you heard her, she was laughing the whole time! that happens every time that numbnut drinks. she has a shit tolerance."

jokos' giggle could be heard amongst the bickering, loving the exasperated tone of schlatt's stance.

"alright, leave him alone. she was perfectly fine when i checked on her too, stop yelling." travis intervened, finally getting the boys off of schlatt's back.

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