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Author's note

Hey guys, how are you doing? 

I hope everything's going fine ( ̄︶ ̄)

I have something important to say and I hope you all would understand...

I'm aware that I haven't been posting any stories for the past few days and I wasn't really writing much anymore. 

It's not because I grew bored of writing but it was more like...school was re-opening for me...

One of the main reasons why I've started writing this book was because I didn't have anything else to do and just decided to give it a try. However, I didn't think I would have reached this far in such a short time...

Every single time I get a notification for this book, my heart literally stops. I read all your lovely comments and would never ignore them. You guys are my main source of motivation. Thank you all so much. 

But the real reason why I'm writing this (a/n) is to inform you guys that updates would be slower from now on. I would definitely still be writing and continue with this book, it would just be slower. 

What is going to happen to this book:

- It would continue since I'm going to continue writing.

- Updates will be slower when I'm busy 

- Requests are still opened, thus you can still request for a one-shot or a scenario 

- If I get too busy, I might have to close requests.

- I am going to close request on lemons and limes (or smuts) because I recently felt uncomfortable while writing it, however, I've already written some, thus I shall post only those I've written. After that, I'll stop writing them. 

I'm so so so sorry that I have to do these but I really hope you could understand.

I hope you would understand and I really appreciate every single one of you. ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

I hope you've enjoyed reading this

Thank youu

- WritingBlanks

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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