𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜𝟙

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"Surprise!" everyone yells in unison as I try to make up a sufficient reaction. "You guuuys!!" I say, dragging out the last syllable as I dramatically place my hand over my chest as if feeling very shocked and touched.

Alisa then elbows my side, making me flinch in pain. I roll my eyes at her, aware of the fact that I'm not very inclined when it comes to acting. To avoid getting hit any further, I did a proper reaction and faked a surprised expression on my face. Despite acting shocked, I was still impressed with how everything was well prepared.

There was a banner that said the usual greeting; a few tables for us to sit in with a long one at the back for the food, also some fairly lights which boosted up the warm and welcoming ambiance a hundred thousand times more.

"Wow... you guys really outdid all this." I breathe out, being genuine with my comment. "Alisa, told you didn't she?" I hear Christine ask. I look at Alisa who was giving me not-so-subtle signals that said not to say anything about her slip up. Of course like the good friend I am, I ignore her warnings and tattle on her.

I simply reply to Christine with, "Definitely." I hear Alisa do a facepalm beside me. "For once, you could've kept something a secret, Lis." I say to her with a smirk and she just rolls her eyes, unable to hide the smile etched on her lips.

"My god, everything is prepared so beautifully. This is amazing! Thank you so much, guys!" I exclaim, feeling a little bit emotional as I express my gratitude towards everyone. I looked around at the people who were present tonight. A few of my friends and relatives were there, which was no surprise. Christine- of course- and the band was also there, and—

Holy mother of Beyonce, she's here.

"Ashley!" I yell as she walks toward me, engulfing me in a warm embrace. "It's been too long!" I exclaim as I pull away from the hug. "You really went through all the trouble just for my birthday?"

"Yep! You know I couldn't say no to this idiot." she says as Conan walks up from behind her. Just the sight of him made my heart race so quickly.

He runs his hand through his long dark tangles which were now beginning to curl slightly. He gave me the warmest smile I've possibly ever seen in my life. Although he didn't dress like it anymore, everything about him was just so pure.

"So, you're the man behind this?" I say, crossing my arms in an attempt to act all cool. Deep inside, I was absolutely ecstatic. "Yep. Do you like it?" the boy asks timidly. "Conan, everything about this is perfect!" I exclaim. "And I love the decor; it's simple but absolutely beautiful."

"Of course. I had to match the same energy with the birthday celebrant." he smirks. My cheeks start to heat up at what he had implied, and the rest of the people in the party start teasing.

I smile shyly, averting my eyes elsewhere as I tuck a few strands of hair behind my ear due to being flustered. "Hey now, don't go all Debby Ryan on me." Conan says and I laugh at his reference. "Oh shut up, we both know you're the Debby Ryan here!" I poke him on his freckled cheek, to which he swats my hand away laughing.

"Alright you two love birds, I haven't even eaten anything yet but I already feel like puking," Alisa interrupts our playful little moment. "Sometimes I wish you just stuck to your mindset of 'Crush Culture', Conan." she jokes.

The said dark haired man just rolls his eyes at her. "C'mon people, let's start this party! I'm getting too hungry." Alisa yells, though she mutters the last sentence under her breath.

Everyone else agrees with her, so we do start the party. We start with singing Happy Birthday after which I blow the candles on my cake which was beautifully adorned with blue fondant orchids. We then proceeded with fun activities, playing the usual party games and whatnot.

Then by popular demand, Conan performed a few songs for us with his guitar. Some of which were 'Cornelia Street' by Taylor Swift and his single, 'The Story'. As usual, he did amazing. After that we ate our dinner, some of which were prepared by Alisa and the other dishes by the rest of the people attending the party.

Many hours have already passed, and I'm guessing it was already around 2am. At this point in the party, a good number of people had gone home. Those left were my close friends, and a few relatives or so. We took our time, just chatting and laughing, catching up with a few people I haven't seen in a while.

I was currently sat on a table beside Alisa and a few of my relatives. Eventually after some catching up and a bit of reminiscing, they decided to discuss about rather trivial things. I wasn't very interested so I started spacing out.

My thoughts wandered to the birthday party. I look around the various tables and see not a lot of people, but I loved them. It warmed my heart to see all of the people I'm close to gather up for the party.

I sigh in content, seeing everyone including
myself happy. Tonight, everyone was free of problems, and we were all here to celebrate my birthday, something I thought I didn't feel the need to make so grand. But now I stand corrected.

The thought made me emotional and almost teary eyed, but I compose myself nonetheless. This party just couldn't get any better, and nothing else would convince me otherwise.

"Pssst! Prairie!" I hear Conan's hushed voice from a distance. I look around to find him, and there he was, partially hidden behind one of the tables. He gestured me to come with him.

I take back what I said; this party just got a whole lot better.

"Yo guys, can you excuse me for a while? I'm just gonna look around." the people in my table nod in response, without a care in the world. That was my cue to stand up and go to Conan, leaving the table with Alisa, who was very in the zone with my cousin.

"Hey, what's up?" I say to Conan once I crouch beside him, now hidden behind the table. He doesn't reply, but he grabs my hand, making me raise a brow baffled. He glances around, which I assume is to make sure no one was watching us. Once his face looked satisfied, he abruptly stands up and leaves the area of the party, tagging me along with him.

Conan walks as quickly as possible, making it harder for me to keep up with him as my hand was in his. We start walking even further away from the party. "Conan, where are we going?"

"You'll see when we get there."

Mysterious much?

Needless to say, I follow behind him quickly, becoming rather curious myself.


Say hello to Debby Gray
He's even got her smirk on point eye-

Say hello to Debby GrayHe's even got her smirk on point eye-

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God bless and hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!-iana <3

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God bless and hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!
-iana <3

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