Part 24

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~Your POV~

S: ugh! I hate that you guys are right.

I really could have gotten myself in some deep shit. Thank god Jaden and Anthony found me before an officer did.

Someone's phone started to ring.

An: oh that's my phone. Payton is calling. I'll be back.

Anthony walked away. I did not want to here his name right now. I'm not mad or upset at him anymore because he just told the truth. Even though I shouldn't have drank, the alcohol did help. I'm just going to forget that it happened.

J: are you ok?

S: yeah. Um Thanks for finding me.

I smiled at him and put my head on his shoulder. He then wrapped his arm around me and said

J: you're welcome.

Jaden kissed my forehead and then Anthony came back.

An: Payton said his almost here... wait what's going on?

J+S: nothing.

~Payton's POV~

I just got off the phone with Anthony and I'm right by the park. I can see Jaden and Samantha from here. I started running but then stoped. Samantha just put her head on Jadens shoulder. I thought she only did that to me.

Jaden then put his arm around her and kissed her forehead. The worst part of it all is that she didn't stop him. She was actually smiling. I stoped staring when I noticed it started to rain.

Wait, why is there water stains on the ground but I'm not wet. Oh fuck I'm crying. I need to get out of here.

UGH! I thought she liked me! Does she like Jaden? Or worse. Are they dating? Screw her, I'm going home.

Once I got home, I immediately went inside. Everyone else was back and were looking at me. I was going to walk upstairs but was stoped by Avani

Av: woah your eyes are puffy! Have you been crying? What happened?

P: leave me alone.

I pushed passed her and went upstairs. I tried to go into my room but it was locked. Great. Now the only place I can go to is Samanthas room. I went to Samanthas room and slammed the door shut. I sat on her bed with my head in my hands and continued to cry.

~Your POV~

An: that's weird.

J+S: what

An: I just got a text from Avani saying that Payton just stormed into the house.

J: wasn't he almost here?

An: yeah, and that's the weird part.

S: let's just go home. Jaden give me the vodka bottle.

J: Samantha?

S: so I can throw it away.

He handed me the bottle and I did as I said and threw it out. Then we went to the car and drove home.

Stay Out Of Trouble//Payton MoormeierWhere stories live. Discover now