Chapter 28

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Ira's POV;

It's been five days since I and Cole saw each other differently,  a lot has been going on of late, we hang around more often than usual, but he has not asked me out yet,  people think we are dating, I don't know if he thinks so too, because I have read and watch the guy ask the girl out,  just like Chan.

Anyhow it is ,I'm with Cole, and that's all that matters, No natter what anyone says he is mine.

I'm going out with Cole today, he is going to pick me up in half an hour, and I'm in my wardrobe ransacking it for a nice outfit.

We've gone for different dates together, all of them were wonderful.
We had our first date, in a cruise ship,  with instruments playing from all angle,  it was lovely. We ate a lot of food, watch the stars and moon and we stayed up to see the sunset as the day break and the moon gave way, okay maybe I'm exaggerating, but we were among The  first people that were awake when the night gave way to dawn.

We played scramble, it was a great night and I sure will be expecting more.

We've been attending lecture together like before and Walter made silly moves to talk to me, he even brought The incident of the kiss in front of Cole ,but it wasn't a surprise and he was shocked to his bones when Cole didn't react.

Walter acts weird nowadays, always using the slightest opportunity to rain abusive words on Cole and I hate it so much. But Cole doesn't seem to care.

He is always with Liya, and I don't care too much,  I just don't want her to hurt him and Win is also scared of that too. Liya is always seen around Walter and he isn't smiling about it, though sometimes they joke about something and he laughs at it. But sometimes too, he doesn't, she pisses him off alot, she even tried to talk to Win, asking her why will she decided to date her junior when there are better guys out there.
     She wanted Win to feel bad but Win wasn't, instead she attacked back and Liya had no choice but to go embarrassed.

Win and Chan aren't taking things nice and slow, Chan followed her to Washington DC  and they would be coming back three days from now,  Bridge and Hayley have moved in together and he is talking of getting married to her because he is suspecting she's pregnant or will get pregnant soon,  even though she hasn't said a thing about it.

He's so eager to be a father, when he talk of being a father, I remember how Cole doesn't want to be one yet. And I can't bring myself to my Dad,  telling him I'm pregnant.

I'm just told young for that, if I get pregnant, Cole won't take responsibility, or if he does, it will be like I forced him to do it. The shame of being pregnant for a boy I'm not married to, or dating rally isn't something  to write home about.

That would be best seller in magazine and so many media network, since my Dad is a known man. I'm a Sanderson For crying out not loud,  why would anyone want to skip my story.

Time is running so fast, Cole will be here soon, he hates it when I'm late and if Win was to be here,  she would pick an outfit for me,  I just want to dress simple,  but I have no idea what to put on, I've been the only one in this room for some days now, and I hate to admit, it's damn quiet but Cole save me sometimes by taking me out almost all evening after lecture.
    I've not gone home yet to see Dad and Miss Sharkey but I sure will during Christmas. I talk to dad and miss Sharkey more often because I miss them, I didn't fail to tell dad about Casy and Kayla and he wants to meet those girls.

I put a call to Win on Duo.
On the second ring, she answered the call.  Thank Goodness.

"Winzy Darling, sis, I need your help". We call ourselves sisters now, because we have grown so fond of each other, even Hayley is part of our club.

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