Ch 1. Shocking Warmth

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3234 words! I cant write crack, and the first half of the chapter says that. I'm so much better with serious topics aaaa!!

(Y/n)’s POV

I stretched from my place on my desk, swinging my feet absentmindedly. Still can't believe that bitch had a seat next to Shoto. I peered over at him as he leaned over his notes quietly. Tuning back into Kaminari’s endless ramble I chuckled. “I’m serious though! All you girls eat Sato’s cooking, like, all the time! How in the hell are you guys not fat or something?” I rubbed my temple as Ochako gave him a firm smack.

“Hey Moron. Do you recall what the course is called?” I snorted, high fiving my newest best friend as she ran her hand through her brown locks. He legit took on the form of the whoa emoji as it clicked in his head.

“No its no- OH MY GOODDD!” He mimicked the tik tok video I showed him yesterday, causing a few others to groan in annoyance.

“I regret everything.” I sighed, smiling as Hatsume peeked into the room. I hopped off my desk and ran full speed at the female, turning into a cat at the last second, letting her catch me.

“I know I ask every other day, but how is the Hero Course?” She cooed, petting me. Iida walked over and gave her a hug, trapping me in the center. Crying for them to let me go I got my wish, forming back and dusting myself off.

“It's great! I get along with these crackheads just fine. Thank you, again. If you wouldn't have…” Hatsume hugged me.

“It's better this way! I mean, I kept you from your full potential in the support course and now you're a little closer to Mr. Handsome~” I rolled my eyes at her teasing, returning the hug.

“You are amazing! Oh but Mr. Aizawa will kill you if he comes in and sees you! Shoo!!” She kissed my cheeks and gave me a smug grin, waving as she skipped out. I turned to Iida and patted his back as we made our way back to our seats. Locking eyes with Shoto I casted him an encouraging smile. “Alright punks. Imma nap, shut up.” The room became quiet with my statement, aside from Bakugo telling me that ‘I can't tell him what to do’ and I grinned, placing my head on the table.

“Okay students, it's class time so be-” Aizawa cut himself off as he strolled into the room. “What?” I lifted my head and made a shush motion to the few who turned their heads to me. After the teacher gave a second to steady his heart probably, he got into the ‘today we will’ lesson. “So as you all know, Christmas break is soon…..Choose one off the board…...Alright I'm going to take a nap.” From my zoning in and out I caught on to choosing something. And that was about it. I looked over at Shoto for an explanation, as he was probably the only one out of us two who got sleep. Probably. Instead I found him with his head on the desk looking in my direction. As if on cue, once we met eyes, he turned his head the other way. Using the arm that held his head up some he slipped a folded up paper my way. I raised a brow and gave him a small smirk as I took the paper and unfolded it. My next appointment is today… Would you join me? His normally neat handwriting had turned into almost chicken scratch starting at would. I giggled some and tapped his shoulder, as soon as he turned his face back towards mine I gave him a big smile.

“I'll be there, of course.” I whispered happily. He turned his head away again, giving me a thumbs up.

“Yeah? WELL I SAY ROMEO AND JULIET!” I stood at Mina’s loud outburst. “It's just so romantic!” I laughed some and walked over to her, she rose a brow as I leaned into her ear.

“What's so romantic about THEM BOTH DYING?!” Getting to her level of loud, she fell out of her chair as she clutched her ear.

“Ow meanieeee!!!” While Mina wiggled around, whining from her place on the floor, I looked at the rest of the class that was slowing their arguing down.

Overcoming Our Obstacles Shoto Todoroki x Reader YLE,MRA Book 2Where stories live. Discover now