A/N Apologies From My Drunk Editor

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Hello my lovelies!! I want to tell you that chapter 4 is completed, but my friend that edits my chapters decided to get drunk instead of reading it like she promised. It sounds weird cause she doesn’t really point out spelling errors or anything, I just have super low self esteem and she gives me her thoughts and reactions so I feel more confident to give you guys… Nonetheless! I want to thank you for reading the first book and so far, the second! The book that this follows, Your Left Eye, My Right Arm, is not the first completed book of mine. But it is my best book, and the sequel is not going to fall. I have big plans and don’t see myself leaving the fandom anytime soon! It gives me great pleasure to know you guys are reading what I write, and not only that but enjoying the first book enough to jump to the second! It amazes me so much! I don’t go by votes, nor do I go by comments, a lot of the time I don’t even focus on the amount of reads, but it's astounding to know that it’s being read. My writing would fail if I didn’t have fun with it, it would fail if I didn’t actually put emotions into each word I type. You guys make a huge impact on me even if you didn’t know. It’s not your comments, it's not your votes, it’s your presence. But when you comment I can’t help but absorb the emotions that evoked and traces everything, you guys are amazing to me!

And honestly I can’t help but feel so blessed with my viewers, I have friends who have been given rude, just terrible readers. Those that hear a word used and hate on them, comments that the clothes the reader wears makes them mad, I don’t have those. Instead I get such positivity and trust me when I don’t deserve it. Someone used the word ugly to describe Shoto’s scar, and followed it up by stating how beautiful he was even with it. And in truth? It would be bad, his scar I mean. If he wasn’t an anime character, there's a possibility he’d even be blind, it’s just truth. Nothing like that should have any amount of hate, yet it gets such negative attention. Her work is so amazing, yet she won’t even write anymore because so many people hurt her with their words over that one word. Can you imagine that? You guys are true blessings to me, each and every one of you, but how could you deal with that? Hurting someone so much that their amazing writing is put to rest over a fictional character. Saying ugly doesn’t mean he’s ugly, it’s a descriptive word, a word being placed on a scar, just like Shoto saying Endeavor’s scar was nasty. I don’t tolerate bullying, I really really don’t. I've been bullied nearly all of my life, it's truly amazing that I’m still writing, that I haven’t given up on it. To be fair with you guys, I am a suicide survivor, three attempts, by the third I just saw it as a laugh in the fucking face. Bullying and Bipolar Depressive Disorder is what you have to thank for that, plus a tad bit of abuse in my past. So I understand how these words affect others, and if I see anything I will speak up. Please help me keep this fandom and the amazing writers of fanfiction, and Horikoshi as well, he’s getting death threats people, safe. We want to spread love and kindness, please help me in that quest. Even if I hate Endeavor, I’d never send death threats over something so trifling, how does that make you any better than Endeavor, or any better than season one’s Bakugo who told Izuku to kill himself? It doesn't, so don’t bully, all I ask of you all.

Away from the dreary topics, how are you guys liking it so far? Are you enjoying Shoto’s POV or are guys wanting more of (Y/n)’s? My editor seemed sorta done with hearing Shoto… I mean I like mixing the two, if my previous work wasn’t any indication. But do you guys like seeing inside of Shoto’s head more, or (Y/n)’s? How about any outside characters you guys are hoping to see the story from? Comment! Talk to me! Private Message me! You guys will not go unheard, I will listen and take anything you say into careful consideration. I know what it’s like to be a fan and commenting something like a smart remark towards a character or an idea that just might fit, and coming up ignored. It hurts and I will try to answer each and every comment, even if its a delayed reply, I always do. I listen to your ideas, even if the idea wouldn’t fit in with what I have planned I’ll look into it, and maybe form another plot line that could possibly become a future book. Like I’ve stated so many times, you guys inspire me, you all help me, and even even if you don’t talk to me, I will forever be grateful you guys are on this journey with me, so comment down below your thoughts, or don’t! No harm done either way.

Lastly, I wanna know if you guys want a face reveal! I waited long enough to ask, so you guys don’t ditch my book because of how ugly I am…. You all can’t see it but I’m actually folding in on myself as I type and the voice in my head is getting smaller…. Uhhh, but yeah…

Sorry from my editor and my horrendous amount of self consciousness keeping me from posting without her approval! Update soon cause she seems to be slowly becoming more self aware!

Overcoming Our Obstacles Shoto Todoroki x Reader YLE,MRA Book 2Where stories live. Discover now