Chapter 1

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"Damn you!...."

"She's can't be here!"

"I will see you again, my princess..."

I have been having the same dream often. It feels so...real. Too real. I always question myself about my past life, even my parents. My not-even-real parents tell me that my biological mother was a stupid slut and my father was a bastard who never even cared about me and ran away from his responsibilities. Both of them died when I was young. I have a little brother named Sam. He is terrible. He frames me for his wrongs and always gets away with it. I hate his guts so much. My parents also. My mom and dad are always using me for money-shoot they don't even allow me to call them mom and dad. Since the last time I was framed for Sam's dirty work, they stopped giving me food. And I stopped eating much. I'm lucky to even give myself water every day. My mom always makes me go out and get her some money by fighting, helping out drug dealers, allowing people to beat me up, etc.-and I come home with bruises, cuts, and scars. Then, I am left to heal myself.

Everyone treats me like shit. My new parents. My so-called "beloved little bother". The kids at my school. Even strangers. No one likes me. I had a great heart, but everyone had planted their spikes. Everywhere I go, Everything I do, everything I say(even if it's nice) I am mistreated. People try to kill me, whether it's getting shot, stabbed, drugged, raped, kidnapped-even summoning demons to take my soul as a sacrifice. I stop resisting to die. I stopped caring. Yet, I still live because their plans fail. It's crazy. My chances to get a boyfriend are over. They come, and they're gone before the day even ends. I can't even say they were even a lover. My mother is interested in this boy at my school. He's about two years older than me and a huge gold digger, yet his parents are rich. He is constantly asking me for money, though he has a lot of his own. He writes my mom checks just to kick me around, kiss me, pretend that I'm his girlfriend for some odd reason. Though he's treated me worst than anyone in the world, he's really the closest I'd ever get to be close to feeling love-even if they're getting paid for me to do this.

I have been brutally beaten for unnecessary reasons. My life is the worst. I am alone. I am better off dead-just like they say.

So, I stand tall at the top of a hotel building. Evening traffic runs the roads of the city. The moon shines brightly from above, a spotlight for everyone to see their dreams come true. No one is here to stop me. Like always. Not even the police. They would come too late on purpose anyway. I look down at the edge of the building. A hard road to catch me when I fall. My tears measure the height of my fall as they drip from my chin. There is no use of saying "Goodbye world!" They have told me to go to hell since I first started life.

My footsteps creep forward slowly. Time is short. I creep forward more. All of my sorry memories flow through my head like a slideshow. Nothing I'd want to live for.

My left foot balances in the air. I was ready. Everything ends here. My life of pain-it all goes to a complete stop. I lean forward, but I stop myself. A shooting star. A series of bright flashes fly across the night sky. I sit on the edge of the building and watch the show. My tears continue to fall, but I feel a little better. It was odd, yet beautiful. I close my eyes and whisper a wish. I wish for a better life. Something in my consciousness tells me to go home. I listen. I go to the first floor safely and walk home.

The front door is locked, so I climb a tree to my bedroom window. I lay on my bed. The house is quiet. I turn off the light and cry all night. Day 3 of not getting any sleep.

I am tired of being nice to people. I have grown to stop smiling and allowing myself to be pushed around. But its no use, I can't even defend myself. I stole my father's 13-inch switchblade for protection. It has always been sitting in the drawer in the kitchen so, what the hell.

Once 6 hits, I climb out of bed and change my clothes. I throw on a blue shirt and jeans, topping it off with my favorite hoodie-my black, spirit wolf hoodie. I brush my teeth and comb my black hair. I carry my switch in my back pocket. Skipping breakfast, I walk downstairs and out the door with my backpack. Everyone was still getting dress, so I decided to take the chance without being seen.

I walk the morning streets to the store to buy meat. Not for me, but someone else. Someone to call my "best friend". A wolf pup. He is about 4 weeks old. I call him Bear. I found him in this alley. He is the only supporter I have. Somehow, he truly understands me. He knows my thoughts and feelings-internally and externally. "Hey, buddy~"I whisper to him and petting his fur. "I brought you some food." I open the meat. It sucks more that it was cold. His little tail wags happily. I cut half of it into small pieces that he is able to chew, and he gets to nibbling. Then, I leave the rest for later. Then, I leave.

It takes me a couple of blocks for me to realize he is following me to school. He is holding the uncut half of the sausage in his mouth. Bear drops at my feet. He must've found out that I haven't eaten. "No, go back, Bear..." I run off to school.

Walking the halls, everyone laughs by just staring at me. Some throw their empty water bottles and soda cans at my head. Some plan to trip me with their feet, but I am aware of them and avoid them. Of course, they are upset. And...

In front of my locker is no other is my mom's most beloved. Damian. Here he is making out with Namine, one of the popular girls. They were getting quite intimate. I don't why I get so jealous when other girls are around him. I hate how...How is this possible?

"Move your ass," I say to them. Damian pushes me away. They continue to do their thing. I simply flip ten bucks in the air. They break, then he snatches the money out my fingers. he smacks my ass before he walks off down the hall. I get my things out my locker and continue living in hell.

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