Chapter 9

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  "The fuck you say to me, lion?"

"Oh-ho, why the attitude Scorpion?"

"Guys, calm down!"

I sit in the parlor with the zodiac gods watching straight up drama. Leon and Scorpio are at it again, and Huedhaut has been trying to break them up. Ichthys had recently pulled a prank on Zyglavis, causing him to be turned into a talking goldfish as punishment. He hasn't really been complaining about being a fish; he just swims around and does backflips in and out of the water in his fishbowl.

  Every since the King told me about my unknown life here, the gods have finally been at ease to call their "sister". And I don't mind it at all.

  "How are you feeling today, Summer?" Teorus come up behind as I was petting Bear fur.

  "I'm okay. Just finally getting used to being here," I answer him. He invites himself to a seat next to me on the couch. Bear happily crawls into his lap.

  "Hey, Teo?", I mutter.

  "What's up?", he says, gently putting his hand on my shoulder.

  "...What's it like being a god?"

  He must've already caught on to my plan because his lips formed a big smile. "Being a god is pretty fun! But it also has it's downfalls. We grant wishes for the humans on Earth, but we also give out punishments for the ones who are bad..."

  This made me wonder about my ex-family. What were they doing? They're most likely living happily ever after without me in their hair and maybe added new members to the family. Bought a new house and fancy car. Living a golden life.

"...You could your powers and cast spells. See?"

Teo snaps his fingers. Instantly, a beautiful, healthy rose appears in his hands. "Nice," I say, smelling the flower before moving it aside.

"Ooh, and you can fly! Really really high! I could show you later if you want?"

"No, no. I'm okay. Thanks for the offer."

  I get up from my seat, walking out the door with Bear at my side.

Walking further through the halls as the large doors shut behind me, a sudden voice speaks.

"You've seem to be doing better, my child."

I am surround by bright light once again. The scenery fades to a blank white. It changes.

I was back in the throne room for I believe the fourth time since I've been here. This is starting to become a routine. The king reclines on his golden throne, keeping that same smile on his face as ever.

"How have you been?", he says, beckoning me to come closer.

"...I'm...great," I reply, stuffing my hands in the pockets of my warm hoodie. "...Why am I here?"

"I have a little gift for you." He snaps his fingers, and appears a small, blue, rectangular box, wrapped in a glittery, silver ribbon. The levitating gift box rests in his hand. He out-stretches it to me.

I hesitate before touching the box. "...Thanks," I whisper, avoiding his gaze into my eyes. Gently unraveling the silver ribbon, I open the gift. Resting on a small, white pillow inside the box was a blue, teardrop pendant.

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