Chapter 22: A Dance

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Angela's POV:

We finished training early so everyone could arrange and finish their chores. Jane had to decorate the ballroom and took care of the music, Thor had to come up with a speech for the guests, Loki was in charge of the guests and security, while I was in charge of the food and the waiters.

I helped out in the kitchen and once everything was ready, I went to see the waiters. There were at least 20 waiters and waitresses and I had to show them how the ballroom was decorated. The tables and chairs were nicely arranged now so it was now, easier for me to explain how everything was going to be.

I made them practice a bit at serving in different sections. The bar, the snacks, the main course, the dessert, the drinks, silverware and cleaners. Check! Now, it was time to show them their uniforms. The guys wore a black tuxedo with a tie and white long sleeve shirts and golden vests. The girls wore a golden knee length dress and black comfortable shoes with a white apron.

Everyone tried them on and they loved it. That was done now so I had to go back to the kitchen and check on how the desserts were going.

"Lady Angela, there are five trays ready. We will leave them in the oven so they can stay warm." Mayl said.

"Okay, where are the other two?" I asked.

"They are about to come out. Also, the ice cream already arrived and it's nicely placed in the freezer." She informed me.

"Great! Did you check there were 6 gallons of ice cream? 2 of each flavor?" I asked and she nodded.

"Lady Angela. The small cakes are out now." Another kitchen helper shouted.

"Yes. You and Mayl can stay and finish that up. Okay everyone, listen up!" I clapped my hands in the air and everyone froze in their place. "Now, I am honored to say that each one of you is very talented and a great co-worker. It is time to go and relax for a bit and get ready. I'll see everyone back in here at 7pm sharp. The reception starts at 7:15 pm so we have 15 minutes to prepare everything, understood?"

Everyone nodded and said yes. I smiled and said "Okay! Now let's clean up and off we go!" Everyone got back to what they were doing and I left the kitchen. As I walked to my room, I ran up to Jane. She had also finished up with her part of the work and headed towards her room also.

"This is much stressful here than back home." Jane growled. I laugh and hug her arm as we got back upstairs.

"I know. At least this is for your Thor." I say teasing her.

"Oh stop it you!" She smacked my hand and laughed. "I can't believe Loki actually let your friend Matthew out just for you two to enjoy the evening."

"Yeah. I know, it's strange." I say not even remembering that Matthew was actually going to be around.

"At least you won't be lonely." She said. "Oh, hey! I'm not going to be able to meet you before the ball starts. I have to be in there like at 7pm to see if everything is in place."

"Oh, it's okay. I'm not going to be able too since I have to check everything back in the kitchen." I say sadly. We had agreed that we were going to wait for each other and go together to the ball.

"Oh. Are you going to the village and see the fireworks at 5:30pm?" She asked me as we came to a stop in front of her room.

"Yeah. But I'm not wearing the dress for the ball." I say.

"Oh! I thought we had to be in the same attire for the whole evening! Oh well. But you're not going to have time." She said.

"Yes I am. I'm just leaving earlier that's all." I say and she nods. "Well I'll see you later then."

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