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Chapter 8: Stressed Out

To Love and to Love Again Chapter 8: Stressed Out

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

Tenten was peacefully sleeping in her tank top and her husband's black boxer shorts. Her hair was let loose from the everyday buns that she normally had during the day.

She was having an interesting dream.

She was in the middle of a forest, armed with all sorts of exciting weaponry. Apparently she was a ninja in this dream and she was busy hunting down a certain someone hiding in the forest. She leapt though the trees as if she were flying and slowly caught up to the mystery person.

As she got closer she realized that the mystery person seemed familiar. Long dark brown hair tied at the bottom, tall stature, and eyes that put the full moon to shame. She was chasing Neji. In a dream, one does not normally question why they do the things that they're doing; all she knew was that she needed to catch him.

After throwing various weapons at him with remarkable accuracy, Tenten had failed to nail him. She froze as he disappeared and reappeared right behind her. He wrapped his arm around her abdomen and whispered in her ear.

"Tenten... you don't want to hurt the baby now do you?" he asked as his hot breath tingled in her ear.

Her eyes widened and she looked down, and her once flat abdomen was now fully pregnant with Neji's arm stroking her belly lovingly. She turned around and met his heated gaze; the veins around his eyes were pulsing and her whole body felt as if it was being penetrated. It was like he could see right through her.

Neji Hyuga was barley waking up from his sleep. He turned from the window and faced his wife, who was still sleeping. He pulled her into his warm embrace. As soon as he was settled, Tenten woke up screaming "Holy Crap!" and officially startling her husband.

"Tenten, what's wrong?" he asked as he looked at her with concern and annoyance for jump-starting his heart rate so early in the morning.

She quickly turned around to face him. Her eyes were wide with surprise before sighing in realization.

"Neji... I just had the most bizarre dream," she said as she snuggled closer to him. She buried her face in his chest as he wrapped his arms around her and played with her hair.

"Do tell," he mumbled, inhaling her scent. He loved playing with her hair. The fact that she tied in up during the day and only let it down at night for him was one of his guilty pleasures.

"We were ninja and I was hunting you down with a load of bad-ass weapons," she recalled as her breathing started to calm down somewhat.

"...Why would you hunt me down?" he asked exasperatedly. She mumbled something into his chest that he couldn't quite make out. He opted to just ignore it and continue to snuggle with her. He played with her hair and moved it out of the way, slowly planting small kisses on her neck and working his way up. He was getting closer to her lips... closer... closer... one more kiss and he's there.

Tenten was anticipating the kiss when suddenly, her world turned green. Her eyes widened and she quickly jumped out of bed, running straight to their bathroom and shutting the door.

She leaned over the toilet and threw up like there was no tomorrow. She held her hair back and let it all out. She had been at it for weeks now. She wasn't slow to think that she might have been pregnant. She and Neji had lightly tossed around the idea of having kids sometime in the future, but now it seems like their plans have been one-upped some. She confirmed she was pregnant a month ago via home pregnancy test, and if she calculated it just right, she was around three months along by now. Lucky for her the morning sickness started only a few weeks ago.

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