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Love and to Love Again Chapter 10: Close Calls

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

Hyuga Neji was slowly starting to wake up. It was Monday and the sun hadn't risen yet, but he couldn't remain asleep for much longer. His wife had taken to sleeping right over his arm, effectively cutting off his much needed circulation.

He quietly tried to nudge her off and reclaim his arm. As he did so, Tenten shifted and rolled the other way. Now that his arm was released, Neji flexed it for a bit before deciding to just lay there and watch his wife sleep for a bit longer.

Knowing that she was pregnant just made her more beautiful. According to Tenten, she was only three months along. Neji could already see the changes in her body, not to mention her personality. There was a very definitive bump on her lower abdomen that was perfectly rounded. Tenten was a physical fit woman making the rounded bump stand out even more. Of course her clothes hid it well but still… that bump just came out of nowhere pretty fast.

Then there were those blasted midnight cravings.

Neji thought he would be able to escape those but just last night, Tenten had gotten up at 1:00 am and demanded that she be given strawberry ice cream with ketchup and olives. After getting over his initial disgust, he did what any good husband would do and made it for her. Luckily, they had all the ingredients ahead of time, although Neji had the feeling that Tenten would soon start demanding more radical types of food pretty soon.

Trying his best to ignore that thought, he pulled her up to his chest and tried to rest for another few minutes.

"Hold me tighter… I'm cold." Tenten mumbled.

He tightened his hold on her. "So you're awake. You're scheduled to throw up any second now," he informed, kissing the back of her head.

"Don't remind me."

Yesterday was horrible for Tenten. She must have thrown up about ten times in less than two hours. Sakura told her to expect it given her "special" situation. She was getting a hoot out of keeping Neji in the dark, but the constant barfing was really getting to her. Speaking of throwing up…

Tenten sprang from their bed, accidentally dragging the blanket with her leaving Neji to suffer the morning draft. The bathroom was going to be hers for a while.

He sighed. "Only seven more months."

Sakura didn't get much sleep. She was far too preoccupied to even think consider sleep. Not after what she heard in Sora's room.

She was stunned when she heard him say "Daddy". It came out of nowhere. She hadn't heard him say that since he was two. Yes, "Daddy" may have been his first word and you would think that it would stick with him forever, but after Sai died, Sora had ceased to say the word altogether.

"Daddy" was forever erased from his vocabulary.

"What's going on in his little head?" she pondered. It had been two days since he said it, and Sora never once mentioned anything about it. She decided not to bother him about it for the rest of the weekend, but it was hard not knowing what he was thinking.

Sakura was already up in the kitchen making breakfast. Sora was upstairs getting ready. The shuffling heard from above was enough to tell her that he was on his way downstairs.

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