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To Love and to Love Again Chapter 22: All that I Want

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

It had been about two hours since Sakura left to go into surgery. Sasuke was up in his office getting some work done before he left.

He was closing his programs on his computer when suddenly, the door to his office opened. When he glanced at his intruder, his back stiffened. He slowly stood and glared when the red headed female smiled and closed the door behind her.

"Hello Sasuke," Karin greeted as she eyed him up and down. She hadn't seen him since he was nineteen and seven years have been good to him. She loved what she saw.

Sasuke's body was on full attack mode. Karin was the last person he expected to see.

"Looks like they didn't do their job...if you're still alive," he said with a voice so composed it was frightening. Karin pretended to be hurt as she slowly walked to him.

"You don't mean that Sasuke. I know you missed me. I know I missed you," she practically purred as she approached him. She placed her hands on his desk and leaned forward, making sure her cleavage was visible. "Tell me you haven't thought about me once after all these years."

"What are you doing here?" he demanded. He had to keep in control. If he ever released thatpower again, it would be trouble.

She smiled. "I came to see you of course. Why else would I be here? It's not the same without you. Ever since you disappeared, I've been bored. I've come to take you back."

Take him back? Sasuke's eyes narrowed even more if that was possible. Take him back where? He destroyed the Sound Organization years ago. What the hell was she talking about?

"Get out," he ordered. "If I ever see you again, I won't hesitate to kill you Karin."

Karin leaned back and placed her hands on her hips. "You're just surprised to see me that's all. You can't really be happy sitting in an office all day. You're too skilled for that. I know your real potential, so did lord Orochimaru. He knew you-"

"Enough!" he shouted. He was furious and ready to kill the woman before him. The only problem was that he swore never to kill again.

"Now now Sasuke," she chided clicking her tongue. "You always had a problem with your temper. Stubborn as usual," she mused as she walked around his desk sliding her fingers across the surface as she did so.

He rigidly watched her get closer, all the while thinking of how he'd like to throw her out of the glass wall.

Her eyes lazily scanned his office. "Why would you be an ordinary citizen when you have the power and skills that no one can even dream to possess? What's holding you ba-"

She froze in her place a few feet away from him and her smile disappeared. Her eyes zeroed in on the picture frames that lined his desk. Sasuke mentally cursed. He saw the emotions play out on her face: anger, confusion, spitefulness, and most of all, jealousy.

She sucked in a deep breath and turned her gaze from the picture frames and briefly to his left hand, which he kept clenched at his side, before looking back up at him.

"So that's why. You have children," she spat as if he had obtained a deadly disease.

The picture she had seen was the one taken from Suki's birthday party in October; the one with Sakura hugging Suki next to her birthday cake. Their identical emerald green eyes happily stared back at the seething Karin, who was now scanning over the rest of the pictures. She saw the one with Sora at his karate match right next to the first picture. Her composure was completely crumbled.

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