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To Love and to Love Again Chapter 40: Redemption

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

"Nothing is set in stone," Tsunade stated as Kakashi stared at the document before him. "You realize that it's going to be a hell of a process to get the entire organization on board with your proposal," she said stressing that this was indeed a proposal and not a set goal.

"Our Agents can tell the difference between what they like and what's best," he replied as he signed the document and handed it over to her.

They sat in her newly appointed office, crossing all the T's and dotting all the I's in the transition from one leader to the next. Tsunade watched him carefully throughout the process, admiring him for his decision and cursing herself for drinking all the sake and not saving enough for the end of this.

"I agree," she said in reference to the Agent's compliance with his proposal. "But they're still human and entitled to some ruffled feathers. After all, he was their friend and greatest enemy simultaneously."

"Which they can learn from and move on," he remarked. "I have no doubts things will go as planned. He's got one hell of an advocate."

"And if that advocate comes storming into my office one more time demanding that I push through with the idea you're going to have one less blond knuckleheaded Agent under your wing," she warned.

"You can't blame Naruto for his enthusiasm," Kakashi drawled while pulling out his favorite erotic novel. Some things really don't change after all.

Tsunade sighed. "You should have waited for the authorization to let him go," she said to his laidback form.

He merely shrugged and flipped the page. "It was the last decision I made as the leader. I was all the authorization I needed."

"And as the current leader I have to deal with the consequences," she snapped, slamming her hand on the desk.

"You do support my proposal don't you?" he asked. "Because if you have a better Idea, I'm all ears."

Tsunade huffed and sat back in her chair. Truth be told, Sasuke joining the CIA was the best possible solution for everyone. His abilities exceeded most of the others in the department and he had the skillset to be one of the greatest assets the CIA has ever had.

"I can see the potential, and that's why I agree with you," Tsunade began. "But trust is not something easily built or achieved, given his history. Sasuke will have to prove himself in exchange for leniency for the consequences of his time in Sound. If Sakura wasn't such a central component to all of this, he might not have even gotten this option."

"And for that I'm grateful," he said sincerely. "I owe my daughter some happiness after everything I've put her through. I also want to properly thank you for your part in shaping her future. In the absence of Rin, you've made her stronger than I ever thought she was capable of."

"That I have," she agreed with a smirk. "But everyone has their limits. I need to see her soon and give her a follow-up medical check. She's had enough time to settle down now. Have you spoken to her at all?"

She took his silence as a no. Sakura would see reason; there was no doubt about that. But until she did, Kakashi was just going to have to live with the guilt for a while longer. Tsunade only hoped that this new idea would help them all.

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