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To Love and to Love Again Chapter 17: Meeting of the Minds

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

It was around 6:00 pm and Kakashi had just finished getting ready for his dinner with Sakura and Sora. He was dressed in black slacks with a dark blue shirt underneath and his signature long black trench coat. He was really looking forward to seeing Sakura again. For someone as overprotective as Kakashi, he would have to seeher in order to be sure that she was okay. He would definitely know if something was wrong.

After making sure that the dogs were fed, he went to his security system and punched in the code before headed off to the Hotel. On the way over there, Kakashi thought back to the recent reports from the ANBU that he received.

"I've scouted the Uchiha estate and concluded that there are no evident dangers there sir," Agent Morino reported through the screen.

"Good. Is that all?"

"Well it could be nothing Commander, however I did notice something particularly interesting while I was scouting," Idate replied. "It appears as though the head of that household, one Sasuke Uchiha, was apparently aware of my presence."

Kakashi leaned forward in his chair. "You were seen?

"No sir. I was perfectly concealed within the surrounding trees. It's nearly impossible for the untrained eye to notice from that distance; however I doubt that it was sheer luck that he was able to notice me. His body language was highly indicative of alert. As for your other inquiry regarding his connection to…Cherry blossom, it appears they have a relationship beyond a professional level." he reported, almost forgetting about the proper code name for Sakura.

"… Interesting," Kakashi muttered with narrowed eyes. "Even if he is the younger brother of Itachi Uchiha, that's still strange. I want to know more about this man that my daughter had been spending so much time with. Find out what you can about him and don't tell Itachi."

"Right sir."

Kakashi was very intrigued by the news, not to mention very concerned. His reports showed that Sakura and Sora had been spending quite a bit of time with the Uchiha's. Sasuke Uchiha was no stranger to Kakashi. Although they had never formally met, he knew about Sasuke through Itachi when he had first entered the CIA.

The Uchiha family was more involved in crime fighting than they knew. Their history could be traced back as a clan of police officers. That tradition stuck with them through the present day, as each generation of Uchiha's had at least one member as part of the CIA. Any non-agents in the family were clueless to this tradition themselves.

Kakashi was introduced to them when he was first recruited into the department. He met a recruit named Obito Uchiha, who was enrolled at the same time he was. They quickly became friends, not to mention big time rivals while training under Minato Namikaze, who was a legendary Agent in the CIA for his natural skill and accomplishments.

Why were they rivals? Simple, they both had different views on training and teamwork, not to mention… they both had their hearts set on the same girl: Rin.

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