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To Love and to Love Again Chapter 38: Walls Will Fall

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

She was barely holding onto her sanity. Her body trembled as Danzo held her at gun point. She had very little hope, even though she knew that Sasuke and the CIA were standing right in front of her. She couldn't look them in the eye. She wasn't even paying Danzo much attention as he taunted them with her safety. Her mind was focused on only one thing: her children.

She shook as he slid the gun down her front, purposefully stopping at her lower abdomen. He knew. He knew everything. He was the mastermind behind this.

Kabuto lunged with the gun aimed directly at her. Sakura saw his face, deranged with insanity as his body loomed over hers a split second before she heard the shot. The bullet shot out of his chest, showering her with his blood before his body fell on top of her.

She screamed against his weight as blood pooled on her from the gushing chest wound. Her hand brushed against the gun he still held and on reflex she grabbed it from him before Kabuto's heaving form was unceremoniously pulled off her and thrown aside.

Sakura took her chance and rolled to her knees before pointing the gun at the new intruder.

And there Danzo stood, pointing another gun down at her.

"You," she said scathingly as if it were a curse. She noticed the blood stains on his clothing as well before she remembered Shin. "What did you do to Shin?" she asked as she kept her gun aimed at him.

Danzo wanted nothing more than to shoot Sakura Haruno where she lay, but at this point she was the only insurance he had to make it out of here. "If you don't wish to meet the same fate, you'll do what I say," he answered before looking at Kabuto.

"…You…traitor," Kabuto wheezed. "….kill you…," he choked as he struggled on the ground. Sakura was amazed he was still alive.

"You're usefulness has reached its end," Danzo said, admiring his arm riddled with Sharingan eyes. Kabuto had helped him transplant and experiment with the idea. "Take comfort in knowing that you were my favorite recruit. I'll let you bleed out in peace," he settled before motioning for Sakura to stand. She stood slowly, weary of the gun pointed at her as she tried to think of a way to escape.

As if sensing her train of thought, Danzo stepped closer. "Try to escape and I'll shoot the progeny that grows within you now," he said, smiling when she couldn't hide the shock on her face. "Yes, I know about it. So does he," he said motioning to Kabuto on the floor. "Why do you think he gave up on you?"

Sakura didn't even spare a glance at Kabuto, but it answered why he snapped. She was tainted in his mind. He must have discovered her pregnancy in her blood work, and that was why he kept taking so many samples. He was making sure.

"I should have killed you the first time you ruined my Agent with a child," Danzo continued. "Sai was the best assassin there was. I trained him to be the perfect tool; one that would take orders without question. I sent him to kill you and he didn't mutter a word of protest," he said conversationally. He didn't even seem concerned that she was pointing a gun at him.

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