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To Love and to Love Again Chapter 31: Secrets

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER AND AUTHORS NOTE: I do NOT own Naruto. The awesomeness of the Naruto Manga and World is the creation of Masashi Kishimoto. This is Purely Fanfiction. All things Medical in this entire fanfiction should not be taken as serious medical advice or facts. PLEASE CONSULT AN ACTUAL DOCTOR FOR ANY MEDICAL INFORMATION/QUESTIONS. THANK YOU AND ENJOY!

Blood pooled around her hands as she cut through the barriers.

Sakura sliced through the tissue as precisely and delicately as Tsunade had taught her. Blood continued to seep out of the cut as she reached into the incision and gently led the baby out of its mother. The baby's healthy screams filled the OR, and the general applause and congratulations were spread to the happy new parents as Sakura proceeded to close the incision.

She had been back to work and on a mission for exactly four weeks now. Things were as standard as she desired them to be, and she made sure her schedule was as packed to the brim. She needed the work, and she needed to be focused on other people to the degree in which thinking about her own life was impossible at work.

Yet his absence still lingered heavily upon her the second she was without a patient that needed her.

Sasuke had been gone for exactly four weeks and one day. She kept count and then moved on to something else, which was her routine these days.

She was perfectly fine.

Once she scrubbed out of her gowns, she decided to grab a quick lunch before her next C-section was prepped and ready to go. Walking through the halls, Sakura kept her eyes straight as she wondered what they would be serving for lunch today.

Eating was a challenge as of late, as her appetite had disappeared with Sasuke. But she forced herself to eat for the kids. She couldn't exactly pass out on them when she got home, even though she wanted nothing more than to do just that.

"Sakura!" Naruto called out as he waved to her from the lobby. She gave him an empty smile, sending chills up his spine. He knew she was putting up a farce for everyone, and given the circumstance he couldn't blame her. But when she smiled like that, it reminded him too much of Sai and how he would put on that same forced and empty smile when they first met.

"Going to Ichiraku's?" she asked.

"You know it. Want to come?"

Sakura shrugged, not really feeling like walking all the way over there for ramen.

"I'll just stick to the cafeteria. I have another cesarean in about 30 minutes so I'll stay here. You go ahead though and I'll see you at four," she said before leaving in the opposite direction.

She heard him mutter an okay, but didn't turn around to see him. As she walked toward the smells of the cafeteria, Sakura kept her head up, eyes straight and breathing even. She was perfectly fine, and she would stay that way. Just keep walking, just keep breathing, and just keep moving.

The mantra hadn't failed her so far.

Naruto had taken the task of driving her home every day after work. No way in hell they were going to risk anything happening to her now, especially with Sasuke on the loose.

Thinking about Sasuke poured all kinds of fuel onto Naruto's anger. Thankfully, the agency acted quickly using a look-a-like to make it seem like Sasuke was discharged so it wouldn't raise suspicion among the hospital.

But it was the biggest punch in the gut to learn that not only was his best friend the elusive Sound assassin they failed to catch, but that he had taken Sakura's heart in the process. Naruto knew she was in love with him. He could feel it. The only thing saving Sasuke from Naruto's complete wrath was the fact that Sasuke had fallen in love with her too. Naruto knew him well enough for that at least.

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